

Still leaning against the rock Katie breaths deep still catching her breath. She wondered if the small things like looking at stars, going for a fun, playing with seashells where the same things in life she'd let pass her by. Not having a connection now they took on a whole new meaning. Maybe all she and Jason needed was some time to slow down, to do something special together, just them.

   "I think we both need to take more time to look at them and remember life is to fast to just ignore the small things."

Finally leaning away from the rock and looking over at Hunter Katie smiles. It was getting later...than it already was but she had, had such a good night. In a way she didn't want it to end. Spending time with Hunter as a friend was nice and she wondered would this be the last? If it was, it was fun while it lasted.

    "It's getting late, you think we should call it a night or wast a few more hours?"

Once everyone had ordered Stacy looks around the table again and gives a smile. She'd been paying attachen to Dylan and Ashlee but not as atently as one would think. She wanted to give them there own place to chat and have a nice time. So far she though she'd done a good job. 

   "So, after this would you guys like to see a movie, or go mini golfing or something?"

Stacy new it sounded kind of kidish to say it the way she had but thats not how she meant it. She just wanted Ashlee to have a nice day and have some fun with Dylan. Sometimes acting like a kid was the best way specially if you missed out on that part of your life.

Walking down the hall holding a brown paper bag Grace smiled to the drs and nurses and she walked. She been up late last night cooking and putting a few things together for Jared today. She didn't mind she never fell asleep till one or two anyways so it didn't bother her to much. 

   "Good Morning Jared."

Entering the room Grace slightly closes the door behind her just leaving enough room that it wasn't closed, but no one could see in least she get in trouble for feeding Jared stuff he new she shouldn't.

Setting the bag of food down and removing her jacket Grace sets to work setting everything up on Jared's legs like she had the day before. This would also help the time pass quickly for him so he wasn't bored out of him mind.

Finished with that She goes to grab the tray she could set a few things down on before pulling out a place. The portions for each item were not big but that was so Jared could try everything and not get full.

   "Alright first up we have...Eggs, Bacon, Toast, Sausage and a little pancake. I figured we could start with some breakfast food. Also have some Milk, OJ, Apple juice, and grapefruit juice."

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