

Dylan vaguely thinks he hears someone at the door but isn't sure enough to spend energy responding. Within moments, though, he realizes he's no longer alone and Dan is kneeling beside him. He pries his eyes open enough to give Dan a lethargic look. Yes, he heard him. He knew what was going on, and no, he didn't want Mick. Had he just passed out? It didn't matter.

Pulling himself up a little bit, he shakes his head. "Nu-uh," he mumbles. "I hafta.... do it... by myself." No one knew. Or did everyone know? Another dizzy spell hits and Dylan puts a hand to his head. Here he was, sitting on the floor, unable to even pick himself up, with Dan staring at him with worry. He felt miserable and stupid. So utterly stupid.

Tears pool in his eyes and he shakes his head again. "I... I did some bad stuff, Dan... I..." He stops and swallows hard, sinking back against the wall again. "I don't want Dad to know... he'll... he'll hate me."

Pete gives Trey a once-over and grins, giving his shoulder a firm pat. "Sounds good to me. I'm ready to forget about work for a while."

Heading out, he leads the way to his car. Once on the road, he turns up the radio to pass the time, although it doesn't take long to make it to the Sunrise. The parking lot was almost full but Pete manages to find a space not too far from the door.

Getting inside, he scans the main room and the bar. Music was playing and colored lights moved about the floor but it wasn't too bad as far as noise went. The stage was home to a DJ tonight instead of a karaoke display, and the bar was in full-swing. Hopefully nobody would get out of hand though.

Setting his hands on his hips, Pete takes a second look around before he finally spots Ariel seated at the far end of the bar. She was alone and looked rather bored. "Well... there she is." Pete nods in her direction before glancing at Trey. "It's all you now."

Swiveling back and forth on the bar stool, Ariel stirs her fruit punch with the straw, watching the ice cubes chase each other around the glass. She was in jeans and cowboy boots tonight, with a silky red blouse under her light, brown leather jacket. She'd decided to pull her hair back in a low ponytail tonight, but hadn't gone to too much trouble to look good. She wouldn't be here at all if Pete hadn't convinced her to come.

Sipping her drink a little, she resumes her stare at the cubes. So far, none of her own friends had shown up, or at least those she liked to hang out with at the beach parties. If Pete didn't show up soon, she'd have to lay into him tomorrow and he'd owe her one.

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