

Katie was tired, Katie was sore, Katie had to be up for work in a few hours to start he own work and now, now she was running on a few hours of sleep and Hunter wanted to play his games. If she gave in went to get coffee would she be letting Hunter win? Was this about anyone winning or was this about Hunter's safety.

Letting out a sigh Katie wanted so bad to argue, to have the upper hand, to have a smart comeback but something stopped her. There was something that just told her to let it go and move on. This was not about her, this was about Hunter and making sure he was safe.

   "There is no options Hunter, from the moment I came to get you there wasn't."

Turning back to her car and opening it Katie grabs her purse from the passenger side and  shuts the door again locking it. It was going to be a rough day that was for sure but maybe some coffee would help the day to just slip by. 

   "Come on lets walk to the nearest coffee place."

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