
Hunter Maxwell

Sitting up in bed and rubbing her eyes Katie wasn't sure if it was her own tiredness that was keeping her from understanding Hunter or if it was his slired words. Last thing her new was Hunter was in his bunk but now he wasn't? Katie thought for sure if his bike had started up she would of heard it. She wasn't a heavy sleeper and a noise out of the normal would wake her. That had started after working for the Elite it was just a defense mecanisum.

   "I don't understand...your..."

Continuing to listen to Hunter Katie finally thinks she understand. Hunter must have left sometime in the night without anyone knowing it and the bar had been his destination. How he was at the police station and was going to be held. Letting out a long sigh and running a hand over her face Katie looks at the clock again.

   "Oh Hunter...."

It was more of an I pity you and the situation you got yourself in than an I'm angry at you. Granted she was disappointed but that didn't mean she was going to turn her back on him. Poop happened, and if it had been Katie sitting there she probley would have called Hunter and she new in a heart beat he would be there.

   "Alright hold tight, I'll be right there."

Hanging up the phone and getting out of bed Katie gets dressed quickly before garbing her purse. Leaving the bunk and going over to Hunter's Katie enters and goes to his dresser like directed. Searching under his socks and under where she finds the bag he was talking about. Just holding it for a long moment Katie had never seen so much money in one place before. She could only guess it was from racing. Stuffing it in her purse Katie leaves the bunk and heads to her car starting it and driving away.

...An hour later Katie was pulling into the police station parking lot. Getting out of the car and going inside Katie goes up to the desk and waits for someone to help her. Finally someone comes over and she gives a little smile.

   "Is Hunter Maxwell booked here?"

Seeing the worry on Jared's face Grace felt bad for him. He really looked like this whole thing bothered him and it made her heart ache a little more for the whole situation. His legs were giving him problems, his memories wernt so happy.  Grace couldn't start to imagine how he must feel but she could guess not good.

   "Ahhhhh....Jared. If you weren't such a good person in the past that doesn't mean you cant be a good person now. The past does not define us, its our actions on the future that make us who we are. If you find out you were not such a great person you have time now to fix that. I know one person who has already forgiven you without you asking...God."

Grace gives a smile to Jared and cocks her head a little to the side. She new he didn't remember much so know if he was a god following person or not was hard but that didn't mean she couldn't slip things in here and there.

  "And...I am sure your family would forgive you too."

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