
Little Man

"I've never seen a horse close up before. Do you think maybe we..can go see them later?"

Taking a sip of her coffee Thirteen looks out the window and than back to Ryder giving a smile. She read about horses before but never been up close. Thirteen always thought they were pretty.

Suddenly feeling a tug on her shirt Thirteen gives a jump looking down quick to see a set of big blue eyes looking back at her.

BJ stared up at the woman who looked so much like Katie. Seeing her the other day he had been shy but now his curiosity seemed to get the better of him.

"You look like Katie. Does that mean your related to her?"

Looking up at Ryder with question and a tiny bit of awkwardness. She'd never really delt with kids before. Looking back down at the small boy a smile formed on her face, though she had to think about the questions for a long moment before giving she a shake of her head.

"I wish I was little man, but I'm not."

Thinking for a long moment BJ scrunches his nose up as he thinks. Finally reaching out BJ takes Thirteen's hand in his own. Smiling back up at her his eyes give the famous Henson twinkle.

"You can be part of my family if you want."

Letting go BJ turns and runs across the dinning hall and into the room where his toys were starting to play with them again.

Watching the boy run off Thirteen looks up at Gunner, a small glisten behind her eye. Her words seemed to get caught in her own throat not sure what to say.

Continuing to move around the Kitchen Katie felt right at home here finding everything she was looking for and not thinking twice.

No problem, you have a nice time with the family and give Kaylee an extra kiss for me.

Placing the bacon into a frying pan Katie than moves to the eggs again and to move them around a little to prevent them from sticking.

Mmmm...some alone time with you will be nice, and together with the family as well .

Flipping some pancakes next Katie goes back to the eggs taking them off the burned and placing them in a bowl. Moving to the other stove and doing the same with the sausage and bacon as well.

I wouldn't mind hearing you play the guitar. We have been so busy lately I haven't had much time to listen to it. So I am all for you playing a little.

Finally finished with everything Katie whips her hands off on her apron before leaning against the counter for a moment continuing to talk to Jason. Being silent and talking was normal now, it no longer felt strange or awkward.

Ok, I'll see you in a little bit. Love ya J, have a nice visit.

Cutting off her communication with Jason for now while he was with his moment Katie started to bring the plates out into the dinning room smiling at her meal creation.

"Breakfast is served everyone. Help yourself!"

Easing herself down on Alec's cot Ryan was a little surprised when he made no smart comment back. But seeing the look in his eye she could see the confutation yet a gratefulness at the same time. Being offered some frys Ryan holds up her hand.

"No thank you, I had something on my way over."

Continuing to just watch him Ryan leans back so her own back was against the wall. She liked just seeing Alec's expressions and reading what layed behind him. Seeing the tiny bit of happiness that shined through that maybe he didn't even know was there.

Hearing Alec's question Ryan is quiet for just a moment thinking about how she wanted to answer it. Finally clearing her throat Ryan answers Alec.

"Because everyone deserves share this special time of year with someone. I guess I consider you a friend to now that I have spend more than a few hours with you. Its not everyone I let touch my special cards you know."

Ryan gives Alec a smile not sure if he would understand or even agree with what she was saying. It was her reason thought and it didn't matter what he thought.

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