
Christmas Eve

JT is on his back with his arm up over his eyes but he nods to Amanda's question. "She's alright. Not any better though. Worse, if anything. It's more than being love sick though... I didn't realize how much she'd really become attached to Gunner. I guess maybe I don't even understand it, but I know the cure is getting them back together."

Sighing deeply, he moves his arm down and turns his head to see Amanda. "All she wants for Christmas is a phone call to Gunner. I gotta make it happen. Maybe if I get a hold of Scott or Dalton they can help me out."

Jeff and Jason's eyebrows rise and they glance to each other, both nodding and speaking to Katie at the same time. "You're on."

The evening proceeds, some loving the time together with families, some already fast asleep, and some wishing the night would overtake their thoughts and give them rest as well. But no matter the thoughts and hearts, the sun never rests, and all too soon, it's rising again, casting it's warmth over the frosty landscape.

Jason rolls over in bed, the smell of bacon hitting his nose. He'd come to his mom and Wes' last night instead of finding a bunkhouse. Surprisingly, they'd still been up, though Kaylee had been asleep for hours. It was a nice quiet time to talk until the wee hours of the morning when all were too tired to stay up any longer. Surprisingly enough though, Jason wasn't all that tired now that it was time to get up again.

Stretching his muscles, he greets the one he knew would be awake and probably in the ranch kitchen by now. He'd promised to help with lunch, but he'd stick around here for breakfast.

Morning, sunshine. Sleep well?

Trent sits in the far corner as usual, sipping a hot cup of coffee. Dark lines under his eyes told of his weariness, though he tried to cover it up. No one had said anything to him about Jasmine being here, and for that at least, he was thankful. Many here knew she was his daughter, though some still did not, and he was just as glad that this whole thing not be made into a big deal. So his routine was the same... get up, drink coffee alone, then go make himself useful in a quiet corner somewhere, probably cleaning tack if no one else was.

Ryder knocks his knuckles on Thirteen's door, his hat and jacket on after getting up a while earlier, now fresh and ready to start the day. "Rise and shine!" he calls. "Breakfast time!"

Christmas Eve. Alec crosses another day off the calendar and wanders out of his room to the hall way, looking down the empty corridor. It was quiet... quieter than usual. Many agents were gone for the holidays. It would be a prime time to try and do something, but for once, Alec just didn't have the energy to make a break for it. As far as he knew, Hal was still here and still watching the cameras. It would be a waste of time to try and get out today, fewer people or not.

Sighing, he goes back to his cot and lies down, grabbing the car magazine he'd now read over and over again. He just about had it memorized, but it was about the only thing that kept his mind occupied at this point. He hadn't seen hide nor hair of his visitor again. Left to his own thoughts, he wondered if maybe she was out of town too for the holidays. This was going to be quite the Christmas... he just had to remember it was simply another day in the year and not dwell on the memories of parties with his own gang back at the Agency, or even further back, Christmases with his mom.

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