
Keep an eye

Sitting at her desk lost in work Misty doesn't even notice someone come into the infirmary and she was so tired at the same time she couldn't feel someone behind her. Put seeing the flower come over her shoulder and than Carson's voice Misty can't help that the corners of her lips twitch as she reaches up and take the flower.

She was hungry, not eating this morning was catching up with her. Being mad was wearing on her too. Maybe she should go, everything could be ok. This could be a chance to talk, or at least try to get over yesterday right?

"I guess I am hungry so I should eat something and I do have some time for lunch."

Closing what she was working on Misty stands and goes over to the closet and pulls out her jacket putting it on. Going back to her desk she grabs her wallet and looks to Carson trying to give a little smile.

"I'm ready. You pick the place."

Listing to Mick Stacy gives a nod. She had a feeling something was up with Dylan and he might have gained some bad habits back. But didn't know for sure and didn't want to jump the gun. Many things pointed to that though.

"Yeah I had a feeling about that. I have been trying to keep a closer eye on him and didn't want to jump to quickly like last time."

Stacy cross her arms as she thinks for a moment before speaking again.

"I do believe Dylan wouldn't do anything to hurt anyone though. I'll make sure I stay alert though just in case. I'll keep you posted as well. Let me know if you notice anythign too."

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