
Past or Future

Hearing Carson moving around and not being in a deep sleep to start with Misty stirs just a bit. Not getting up though like she normally did she just continues to lay in bed staring into the dark. She was still angry with Carson over what happened last night. It had been totally uncalled for and the words still hurt. Misty couldn't remember the last time she had felt like this.

Feeling Carson come over to her and receiving the kiss to the cheek Misty doesn't reply, or even move. She continued to just lay there hoping Carson would just thinking she was asleep. And when he leaves with nothing else being said Misty was glad. She was still made at him and not ready to forgive him.

Letting out a sigh and rolling onto her back Misty closes her eyes for a moment as a few more hot tears rolled down her face. She wanted to so desperately go out and enjoy a cup of coffee with her hubby like she did every morning but she just couldn't bring herself to do it. She couldn't let Carson know last night was and ok thing.

Knowing finally Carson had left for the day Misty gets out of bed and wonders to the kitchen to get she own coffee and than shower. She didn't want to work, she felt sick to her stomach and looking into the bathroom mirror it was easy to tell she had a restless night, and had been crying. She just wanted to crawl into a hole even if she new she couldn't.

...An hour and a half later Misty enters TJY. She was pretty late and she new it but she simply didn't care. Her attemts at trying to hide how tired she was, and her red eyes failed. As soon as she took her sunglasses off it would be clean on her face. Maybe she could bury herself into her research or something exciting was going on today so no one would notice. Sitting at her desk Misty could only hope.

Finishing with the kiss and snuggling in deeper with him on the couch Jess just listens to the beating of his head the soft rythem of his breathing just lulling her. It was times like this that Jess cherished the most. The quiet ones where just hearts talked, and actions spoke louder than words.

"You don't owe me anything Axel but if you would still like to take me out on night I wont fight you on it."

Giving Axel a squeeze she lets out a soft happy sigh. She was content, no matter what would happen from here out she was content and completely in love with Axel. There was no doubt in her mind. Not past or future would change that.

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