

David's eyebrows rise as Angelica talks, forgetting about his food for the time being. He listens carefully, waiting until she's finished to comment. "Good gracious... you  must have made some new friends. How did you manage to get the full story and all those facts so fast? I thought I was coming to give you information, not the other way around!"

He shakes his head and laughs. "Never mind. Don't tell me. Bottom line - what you told me lines up with everything Jack, or JT, has told me. He wanted to keep things on the up-and-up. Wanted to solve things through all the right channels to make sure there were no mistakes. I'm assuming it was Gunner that convinced him to derail and go after Bree himself."

Digging into his own briefcase, he pulls out a folder, thumbing through some papers. "I checked on a few things on my way over here and it looks like the police have identified JT for sure - they know it was him with Gunner so there's a warrant out for his arrest. Nothing surprising but it's official now." He did not know where JT had taken Bree, or that Hope had already quietly informed Angelica everyone was safe so that Gunner would rest easier.

"So yes... emails. Fantastic. Even if they're not proof of actual dealings yet, it's a start and it at least proves motive and opportunity. I think what we're going to need is a clean mental bill of health from a psychiatrist or counselor, along with proof of her parent's dirty dealings. If we can get a doctor to Bree, we can get half of that accomplished. It's going to be proof of her parents that will be hard. The first will at least keep Bree safe from Crescentview again, but we need to with this whole thing or she'll always be in danger."

JT smiles and shakes his head. "I guarantee you wouldn't be a third wheel. But if you'd feel better having Gunner along, I know Bree would enjoy that too." He thinks for a moment, lapsing back into a bit of sadness and worry. "We just have to get him out of jail first."

Rolling onto his back, he stretches out, deep in thought. "Funny how things turn out isn't it?"

Brief conversations and quietness followed, passing the time of the day. Soon it was suppertime and JT wasn't too surprised that Bree didn't return for the meal. Someone said they'd seen her though, so he wasn't worried until after dark and he began to wonder if she'd wandered too far.

After supper, he heads outside, walking slowly and trying to find his niece. He checks the barns, around the bunkhouses, and any nook where he thought she might be. Growing more concerned, he looks with a little more purpose, asking a few of the ranch hands if they'd seen her again.

Finally he heads around back of the barn where he sees the bundle on the ground. He was relieved and saddened at the same time. Ambling closer, he lowers himself to sit on the cold ground next to Bree, wondering why she hand her hands up in the air. "Hey, kiddo," he greets softly. "Thought I'd lost ya." He'd ask how she was, but he knew the answer already. "What are you doing?"

Sparky hadn't been seen the rest of the day and had not shown up for supper. Someone said he'd gone into town a couple hours prior, but no one had seen him since. There was an odd feeling in the air without him around. Not only was the boss gone, but with Sparky gone too, it just didn't feel right.

One of the ranch pickups comes back into the driveway and parks near the bunk houses, the lights shutting off. Sparky sits quietly in the dark for several minutes, his mind and heart so full.

Sighing, he finally gets out and heads to Annie and Faith's bunkhouse. Finding it empty, he goes and looks in the window of the dining hall, but doesn't see Faith there either. A little concerned, he heads to the barn where a few of the lights were still on.

Wandering inside, he stop and looks around, then heads to the far corner. It was just a hunch, but it was worth following. And he was right. Walking slowly, he approaches the stall, seeing Faith inside with Twilight. Standing a moment, he just watches. Finally though, he unlatches the stall, knowing that it would alert Faith to his presence.

Letting himself in, he doesn't say anything, but just looks at her. Reaching from behind his back, he offers her a small bouquet of flowers. No smile was on his lips, but a softness was still in his eyes. Something had changed... something had shifted. In the depths of those steel blue eyes, partially shielded by his hat, lingered the longing that had formed since knowing Faith. But now there was a shadow... a shadow that cast questions and doubts upon something that only hours before had seemed so simple.

Axel laughs at Jess' stomach and he nods. "I guess I'm getting hungry myself. How about we go out somewhere nicer than fast food? My treat. Then we can definitely come back here."

Gunner stands at the far wall of his cell, looking up  through the tiny window with bars. There were too many lights interfering with the view, making it impossible to see many stars. He could just make out a few of the brighter ones though, assuring him that they were still there.

Just staring at the black expanse, he can feel the painful ache in his heart. "Goodnight, Bree," he whispers.

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