

Angelica gives a nod and a small laugh as she looks up at David again. She had worked with him for so many years she new it wasnt hard for him to tell when she liked something or not.

"I...think I am having way to much fun."

Thinking for a long moment as she took another bite of her salad Angelica mulled over Davids words. Fax, text message, mail, letters...Text message. Sifting through the papers that Dalton had given her Angelica looks for something that might have caught her eyes. Finally finding it she smiles.

"Bree's parents use Sprint for there cell phone. My sister happens to use sprint as well and I remember her complain once about when she wants to delete a text she has to go online and delete it as well. I wonder...if we can get into there account and pull up there texts. There might be something there that would help."

Angelica smile as she sips her water again just looking across the table at David. His features now seemed softer than when she had last seen him. Still professional but more layed back. He fallen into the roll nicly and still held such profession, Angelica was happy to know he was doing well.

As JT's arms wrap around her Bree curls tighter into his arms. The comfort she was seeking was there, maybe not from the man she was hopping but her Uncle would always be just as good.

Leaning her head into his shoulde Bree just crys a million tears seem to come out, it had been so long if ever since she had last cryed. And now she was letting it all out.

The time slowly went by and Bree's tears turned to sobs, than whimpers, but finally stopped as she still layed nestled and curled up in JT's lap. Moving her head a little showed she was still awake, but she felt so drained now. just shifting a little she looks up at her Uncle trying to give a small smile her tired whisper comes forth.

"I never...got to say thank you. For rescuing me. Gunner will be ok...right?"

Feeling Sparky's hand on her face Faith leans her head into it a little closing her eyes. So soft, and light his touch was and how it made her heart jump.

"Because if things were easy, it just wouldn't be life."

Opening her eyes again, she studys his own as he talks. Knowing and understanding what he was saying Faith thought for a long moment. Retreating for a moment one might think she was walking away but reaching over the stall Faith sets the flowers on the bail of hay on the other side.

Than coming back to where Sparky was standing she stepped up close to him not saying anything. Her heart thumbed, and her stomach seemed to flutter even more. Reaching up Faith removes his hat tossing it over the the stall to land next to her flowers.

Wrapping her arms around his neck and standing on her tip toes so she was eye level with him. A smile formed on her lips, and a glint in her eyes.

"If you stand to close to the edge, I'll stand with you. So if you fall I can catch you and you wont ever have to find the peaces of you heart again."

Leaning in Faith press her lips to Sparky letting the emotion flow through her, but pulling away for a moment she smiles searching his eyes again.

"I don't know how it happend, but I am head over heels for you. These emotions, and feelings I feel I can't stop them nor do I want to."

Coming back again Faith press her lips to Sparky's the kiss, the sweetness, it washed over her as her one had found the back of his head, and the other was still wrapped around his next. This was her answer to him, heartache is not what she saw, and trying was all to worth it.

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