

Dani smiles through Dalton's last string of kisses before being brought in and held tightly. Sliding her arms around his neck, she burrows into him, hiding her face in his neck and just enjoying the sensation of being wrapped in his arms. She just felt so... safe. Everything about him, she loved. She loved how warm he was. She loved his heart. She loved the tantalizing scent of his cologne. She loved his voice. His kisses. His hugs. Standing next to him, he seemed a giant, and she loved that too. Would there ever be a time when they wouldn't have to part? When they wouldn't have to say goodbye at the end of the day? She wondered. 

For now though, she was content, collecting as many of these moments as she could, as long as Dalton would have her.  

"Mmm..." She sighs deeply, cuddling in even more. "I've seen the movie five times already anyway," she mumbles. 

Feeling the rise and fall of Dalton's breath beneath her, she felt so relaxed... so warm. Scooting down a little so her head was resting on his chest, she intertwines her legs with his, stuffing one foot down between the couch cushions for extra coziness. Hearing his heartbeat, she smiles. Letting him comb his one hand through her hair, she finds his other with her fingers, just wanting to hold his hand so she could feel him. 

Though trying to see part of the movie, her eyelids grow so heavy, and she gives in, just closing her eyes. She knew she was falling asleep. But he'd wake her up when he wanted, she was sure...

Jason gives a little roll of his eyes, thinking about Rick. During the last couple weeks, there were a few times Jason hadn't felt so great, and Rick had discovered Jason's blood sugar starting to act up again. Though in the past the biggest problem had been crashes, Rick wanted to keep a close eye on him and monitor what was going on, so he'd told Jason to just eat normally but avoid too many sweets because he wanted to see if Jason's body was compensating or not, and if he had too much sugar, Rick wouldn't be able to tell if he'd crash on a normal day or not. Needless to say, Jason listened... most of the time.

"Greek, huh?" He nods in agreement. "You'll have to help me order though - I've never been to a Greek restaurant before..."

Offering to drive, they leave Misty's car at TJY for now, and Jason has her tell him which way to go since he wasn't sure where the new place was. Once there and settled with a little bit of help ordering something that sounded good, the evening was already starting to be enjoyable. 

Waiting for their food, Jason sips his water and leans back in his chair, just looking across at Misty. Did she think it as strange as he, that the two of them were out to eat together? It felt so odd and out of place, yet... it felt so relaxing and peaceful too. There were just... no walls. And as Jason's emotions became more clear every day, he was enjoying Misty's company more and more, feeling the good emotions and learning to recognize and embrace them. If he'd noticed one thing, it was that he could find the most good emotions when being around her. Which, again, seemed rather odd, yet... he didn't mind. What was only recently forbidden territory was now... available. 

Grinning, he fishes a piece of ice out of his glass with his tongue to suck on. "So... I forgot to ask earlier - was Alec okay after that whole Trooper thing? I honestly forgot about his fear of dogs and how Trooper had attacked him once." 

Hunter's eyes twinkle with humor as Katie talks about the garbage can. "We would have laughed..."

"...and then helped you out," Jeff finishes, trying not to laugh. Her suggestion to go riding once he was home brings a nod. "Yeah... I... don't know long it'll be 'til I'm not so tired, but..." In his mind, he recalls the word Hunter had just told him. He didn't want to upset Katie anymore. Maybe he'd already known she was that upset, but he really had selfishly ignored it. Maybe she'd been right that he'd just been thinking about himself. The last person on earth he wanted to upset was his daughter - especially now that she was struggling so much with what was going on inside of her anyway. 

For a moment, a sad look passes through his gaze before he forces another smile at Katie. "But as soon as I get enough rest and I've got Angel's approval, I'd love to go for that ride. In the meantime, you better get this boy's hind end in a saddle so you and I don't ride clean away from him." 

"Hey now." Hunter straightens in mock defense. "I'm... I'm... well, I know the front end of a horse from the hind end at least!" 

Jeff grins. "Okay, we'll be nice."

"Good." Hunter nods with satisfaction. "Besides, Mick promised me a riding lesson to see if I can get back in the swing of things." 

"Oh yeah? Well that'll be good." 

"Mr. Pent..." A nurse enters the room and smiles sweetly. "Time to check things over, then Mark will be in." 

Jeff gives Hunter and Katie a sidelong glance before smirking in annoyance. "Mark is the resident bather." 

Hunter bites his lip to keep from laughing. "I'll take that as a cue to leave you be then." 

Jeff clears his throat and nods. "Yeah... it would probably be in your best interest." 

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