
Don't stop

Eli grins and puts his bike in gear. It starts forward with a little jolt, though he shifts as smoothly as he can. His bike wasn't built for the comfort of a second passenger, but as long as he felt Scarlet hanging on to him, he wouldn't worry. Steering out of the parking lot, he can already feel her sense of balance, not having to compensate for any awkward movement behind him. Having witnessed her skill the other night, he knows she'll be fine as he lets his bike speed up. Hitting a back street, he lets the motorcycle go, zipping past the buildings and hitting at least two yellow...orange lights. It would seem he has no idea where he's going, but soon it's evident that he'd purposely taken the long way around town, just to wind up at Tou Han's, the little Chinese takeout place which would have been a straight shot from the auto shop had he been driving with logic. The restaurant really was a hole in the wall, with only a few tables to sit at, but the food was worth it.

Parking on the street, Eli lets his bike ease over onto the kickstand, and he cuts the engine, removing his helmet. Glancing over his shoulder, he eyes Scarlet. "Chinese alright?"

Leo musters up a wry grin at Cassy, and doesn't object to her telling him how she would help. He didn't have the energy to argue with her anyway.

When she comes back with a cold cloth, he looks at her gratefully. He could take care of himself alright, but having a bit of help really did make a difference. Relaxing under the cool wetness of the cloth, he turns more on his back so the cloth wouldn't slide off and sighs deeply, pulling his blankets up as the chills start again.

Trying to just let Cassy help, he stays in bed, hearing her in the kitchen, and was tempted to holler where things were. She was smart enough to figure it out though, so he remains silent, willing himself not to fall asleep before she came back. Soon the aroma from the warming soup was making his mouth water.

Jason returns Katie's kiss and grins as she backs up. "I'm ready now. Let's go before the lunch rush."

Heading from TJY, they drive the short distance to Mom and Pop's, finding it fairly quiet today. The little bell on the door signals their arrival, and Carson looks out from the kitchen, a smile spreading on his face. "Oy, look who the cat drug in."

With only a few customers, he comes out from the kitchen, his baseball cap backward on his head, and wiping his hands on a towel. "Trying to make yourself strangers, or what?"

Jason grins and leans an elbow on the counter. "Blame Reese for not calling you to duty more often."

"Either that, or blame you two for being traitors and eating somewhere else for lunch," Carson teases.

Jason laughs and shakes his head. "You know this is our favorite... even if you're the one cooking."

Carson smirks and whacks Jason with his towel. He looks sternly at Katie. "Keep him under control, will you?"

"Hey, I'm not the one tied down," Jason defends. "I'm still free."

Another grin spreads on Carson's face. "You poor thing."

When Jason and Carson started getting along, no one could really tell. They'd gone from friends, to enemies to coworkers to acquaintances, and now seemed to be settling into a decent friendship once more, though perhaps with stronger roots this time. Maybe there really was no specific point in time when they ceased their head-butting, but now they could work alongside together, and the banter was quite frequent whenever they were together. The past maybe wasn't forgotten, but it was being set aside.

Jason chuckles and slings an arm around Katie's shoulders. "Don't feel too sorry for me. She likes to tell me what to do, regardless of whether or not we're wearing rings."

Carson tosses Katie a wink. "Don't stop. He needs it."

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