
Phone Calls

Leaning back in his truck Dan's bags at his sides He watched the soft falling snow. He'd checked out of his hotel already, and would be heading home soon. The time away, the quiet on his own without bars was well spent. He's come to terms with his self, and had started the forgiving process. Something he had put off for way to long. But Dan new now what he wanted in life, and Jade had helped with that. For him to be totally committed to her He needed to let go, Jade's words of forever lingering in his mind.

Giving a smile Dan reaches for his cell phone Dan opens his car door and gets out once again, taking in the cold air. It wasn't often he saw snow, and he needed to call Jade before heading home. It was Christmas after all, and something he couldn't not do. So why not enjoy both at the same time.

Dialing her cell number Dan waits to here the familiar voice answer on the other end. He missed her something fierce, and couldn't wait to see her again. Being away, and Jade being so far away too he understood just how much he missed and cared for her a great deal. Continuing to let the phone ring Dan waited.

Finally hearing the mail voice on the other end of Jade's phone Dan guess it would be her step father, or another family member who had gathered at the house to be with family.

"Hi, this is Dan, and I was wondering if Jade was available to talk."

Eating another peace of bacon Katie couldn't keep the smile off her face. Last night things had been crazy, and there heart went out to a few family members Katie still felt so at home, and stress free away from work Being with Jason, that was icing on the cake.

Feeling his warm and loving emotions come her way it sends a chill up Katie's spine. One she often felt when he left off good emotions, and one she would never tire of. It was such a nice feeling. She could never explain it to anyone else other than it felt good.

I think a Christmas horse ride sounds amazing. Not to mention if we are careful and take the trail that leads a little ways into the mountains there is some snow left and it will look so pretty. Unless you have some where else you would like to ride.

Kaite draws Jason's happy, loving, and content emotions a little more, making them flow to her faster showing she was so happy.

As long as I am with you we could ride down the street and I would be happy.

Holding Chase in her lap Wendy bounced him up and down gently as BJ held the baby's tiny hand as he played with his new toys. Keeping Chase entertained and happy.
Wendy didn't mind keeping watch over Chase and BJ while the others were moving around getting stuff ready, cleaning up, she enjoyed the kids, and watching the two interact was cute.

Smiling at Eric as she see him Angel knows why he was there and had been faxed over his x-rays and other paper work she might need on what happened.

"Ok, before I give you anything I wanna take a look at your leg. Just to make sure it looks ok."

Turning around and grabbing some gloves Angel waits for Eric to lower his pants. She new he didnt want to show her, and she was prepared for the worse but she needed to see it, and there was no saying no to her.

Kneeling down Angel tried to be as gentile as she could lifting Eric's leg. Seeing the purple bruse that ran down his leg Angel could tell his leg took the brunt of everything. Pressing on it in a few differnt places Angel new it probably hurt but she had to do it. Looking up at Eric her eyes say she is sorry.

"Well, you got a pretty nasty bruise on your muscle. I'm going to give to a brace to where. I know you wont stay off it like you need to but it will help at least take some weight off of it. I want you to promise me you will rest it as much as you can. Even if it feels good enough not to. When your sitting down it needs to stay raised."

Standing Angel takes the gloves off and goes to wash her hands grabbing a few painkillers on the way back along with the leg brace. Looking down at Eric her eyes show she really meant what she said.

"I mean it Eric, if you don't you could end up hurting yourself worse ok? If the pain gets worse you need to tell me, and in a few days I wanna take a look again."

Angel gives him a soft smile. She was always a Dr. first even to her friends wanting to make sure she kept them healthy and not worse would go wrong with them.

Looking up as her Uncle comes into the room Bree didn't show much emotion on her face. This was just another day to her, that held nothing much. The others were smiling, and laughing, Bree wished she could laugh to but she just wasn't in the mood.

Seeing the phone in JT's hand Bree eyes held hope, was she really going to be able to talk to Gunner. To hear his sweet voice was her Christmas wish really going to come true. Taking the phone her hand shook, it was to good to be true and thought she hoped with all her heart she didn't want to be let down to hard.


Standing over the the medium size Christmas tree Rosetta study's the ornaments that were on it. There were many memories on that tree. Home made ones, ones given as gifts, it always made Rosetta smile looking them over and remembering.

Feeling the slight movement behind her before Mick even spoke Rosetta could smell his sent. As strange as it sounded, she had his own smell that Rosetta had come to love and know. But hearing his voice confirmed he was really there.

Feeling chills shoot down her spin Rosetta turned around quicker than she ever had before looking into her husbands eyes.


Throwing her arms around his neck Rosetta held him tightly her face nuzzled into his neck. She'd missed him so much, she'd felt so lonely, and now he was back. Tears ran from Rosetta's eyes showing how happy she was to see him. It had felt like it had been so long. Pulling away and lookin into his eyes Rosetta moves Mick's head back giving a big smile. He never looked so good in his life.

"Oh Mick I missed you so much."

Leaning in Rosetta's lips press against Micks as she forgets about everyone else in the room. Not caring if they were watching or not. Rosetta's heart raced as she was filled with happiness. Her on arm finding Micks back as the other one ran though his hair. Letting the kiss linger and not end to soon.

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