
Should have been more

Chance sticks close to Destiny, making just a couple calls to TJY on the way to the cemetery to ensure Jason would be there as well. It was a quieter ride than normal as they head across town. Not surprising though. Chance really didn't know what to say, but it seemed Destiny didn't mind anyway, so quiet it remains.

Once they arrive at the gravesite, Chance is on guard. His body language relays confidence, while his eyes continuously roam the area. He lets Destiny lead the way, though keeps a close eye out on everybody who was there, taking in their faces and the way they looked at Destiny. Some threw him questioning glances, but he ignored them. Probably many hadn't expected a man to be with Destiny, let alone one who was obviously carrying at least one gun.

As they walk, Chance's eyes sweep the perimeter. His earpiece and mic in place, he speaks quietly but clearly. "Where are ya, Jason?"

"Over on the east side."

Chance looks and sure enough, Jason was beside a tree at a good vantage point. "Alright. Let me know if you see anything weird."

Jason watches as Chance and Destiny walk, giving them a little wave.
I think there should have been more agents here. I just don't feel right about it. We're here to protect Destiny, but there's too much open space. Why would Chance only want one other man? Or is he that cocky that he thinks he can do it all himself?

Ty gives Libby the best smile he can, grateful for her words and presence. He was fortunate... not only for the company and two doctors who were friends, but that TJY had somehow always been able to get the equipment they wanted and needed, where at other places, people would have to go to hospitals for these kinds of procedures.

"Thanks, Libby." Ty squeezes her hand. "I couldn't do this without you."

And so it begins. Seconds turn into minutes and minutes turn into hours. Ty is put through and array of tests, some requiring only lying still and some requiring him to answer questions or observe things on a monitor so Rick and Misty could watch his brain patterns. None of it made sense to him, but apparently it did to Rick and Misty, so he simply did as he was told.

After a few hours though, he was growing weary and almost regretted coming. But he didn't complain. Eventually, he was back on the bed, resting as he laid on his side, wishing he were at home. Looking to Libby who was sitting near him, he gives her a weary grin. "Aren't you glad I asked you to waste your day down here with me?"

Over at the desk, Rick observes different results, consulting Misty about what they were seeing. "Everything seems to be adding up fine," he muses. "This is a tough one. He's not stupid though, that much is for sure. He's a mathematical genius and there's no reason he shouldn't be able to learn how to read."

Sighing, he rubs his tired eyes. "He said the words run together... that the letters don't make sense and it gets somewhat blurry. But it's not his eyes - he has perfect vision. Did he say something about being able to read a menu at a restaurant?"

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