
Something wrong

With Destiny getting up and going, Chance knew he had to, too. Watching her go down the hall, he sighs. It was gonna be touch for her today. The funny thing was that a week ago, he would have dreaded it, had she needed a shoulder to cry on. Today, he was glad it was him who would get to put his arm around her once it was all over.

Rubbing a hand over his face to try and wake up, the little nagging feeling in his gut worsened. He was walking a very dangerous line. Whose side was he on? It used to not matter. But if he continued this path with Destiny, would he still be able to do his job? It was that question that led straight back to that little nagging feeling.

Pushing it aside, Chance finally gets up and wanders to the desk. Someone was waiting to chat with him. Destiny would be in the shower for a few minutes, so it was safe.

Once Destiny does appear though, the chat box has been closed, and hearing her voice, Chance closes his computer too. Turning around and seeing her, a small smile appears. He wished it wasn't the day of her parent's funeral. Otherwise he might tell her how cute she looked. He'd have to do it at another time.

Standing up, he stretches and nods. "Yeah, sure... tea sounds good." He checks his watch and yawns. "I got just enough time to hit the shower and get some other clothes on, so give me a few minutes."

He checks the monitors once before he goes to make sure everything is clear before leaving it unguarded. Using the hall closet, he retrieves his clothes and makes a quick job out of taking his shower. Coming back out into the living room, his hair was still damp and just a little messy but not unattractively so. Today his black silk shirt was tucked into a pair of black pants, sporting a thin belt. A faint scent of aftershave lingers in the air as he dons his holsters both for his side and hip. He doesn't skip over his derringer or knife today either. A group setting was a bodyguard's nightmare.

Wandering to the kitchen, he finds Destiny and tries his best at a new smile for her. "Thanks for making tea... that's gonna be hard getting used to having to make my own all the time again." His grin is a teasing one as he brushes her cheek with the back of his hand. He knew that humor was not easy to come by today, even though he tried.

He cocks his head. "The day won't last forever," he mentions quietly.

After another night at work, Ty was back to TJY, but this time not mop floors. Entering the infirmary, he's more hesitant than usual, but having Libby with him helped.

Rick turns from his work at the counter and smiles. "Hello, Ty. Hello, Libby."

Ty nods, then sees Misty and gives her a little wave. "Hi."

Rick holds his smile. "You ready?"

"Um. Yeah."

Rick chuckles. "If it's any comfort, I've been wanting to use this new equipment anyway so this is as good a trial as any."

Ty smirks. "No comfort. But thanks for trying."

Another chuckles comes and Rick points to the table. "Have a seat. We'll be right with you."

Ty swallows hard and does as he's told, sitting, then looking to Libby. He was usually confident, or at least hid any fear. But today... today he wasn't so sure. He wanted Rick and Misty to find something, and on the other hand, he didn't. "What if... what if they find something wrong with me?"

Nearby, Rick hears the question aimed at Libby, and he looks to Misty, speaking quietly. "I don't think there's anything wrong with him, though I am concerned with the things he's told me. I want to have a brain scan then put him through several tests to check his responses. Gonna take a while but... I think it will be worth it."

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