

Eli tilts his head a little, watching Scarlet walk away before he picks up the pace and follows her outside. Her wink hadn't escaped him, but he bites his lip from throwing her any comments in front of Sandy.

Out into fresh air, he follows to Scarlet's bike and walks up close, running his hand over the handle bars. "Honda. Nice. Got one myself. Different model though."

He eyes where she wants the painting done and nods thoughtfully. "Yeah... yeah that should work alright. If you want, I could add a little pizaz. Like, um..." He wanders closer and gestures to the pictures again, his hand brushing hers. "Maybe a mist or clouds behind 'em, kinda make 'em match. Or if you want something bolder we could go with a splash of light or something." He shrugs. "Plain works too though - whatever's your style and whatever your wallet can handle."

He gives her a crooked grin. "I have a feeling you're not the plain type though."

As Reese watches Hope, his own heart hurt. This wasn't right. None of this was. If someone didn't believe in Agency cruelty, then they should see this because this was ultimate torture.

Alec continues to study the scene, watching Scott, Hope and Reese as well. Once asked what he wanted them to do though, he still has to think for a moment. "Just stay back a bit and let me see what I can do. There's no magic button... I just gotta play it by ear."

Walking to the corner, he approaches slowly, looking down at Scott. "Got a bit of an overload problem here, don't we, Mr. Johnson?" Knowing that Scott had yet to look at his face, Alec lowers himself to his eye level and snaps his fingers in front of Scott's eye. "Time to come back to reality."

Scott's mumbling ceases for just a moment and he almost focuses before falling back into his blank stare again.

"C'mon, Scott... gimme something here." Alec gives Scott's face a couple light slaps.

Reese grits his teeth, not liking this, but he remains quiet.

Scott blinks, his mind feeling like it had just hiccuped. Everything around him was blurry and skewed. There was a form before him but it just didn't look right. There were strange colors and nothing looked like it was real. He stops rocking and squints at someone who was right in front of him.

Alec looks into Scott's good eye, searching for anything that would give hope to this situation. "Level fifteen security code," he commands firmly.

Scott blinks again. "One one five three zero six one zero... two."

Alec turns a little to look up at Hope. "Yeah, it's like I thought. The information's just taken over. He can answer cues, which proves my theory. He just needs to think about something else long enough for him to get a grip." Swiveling his gaze back to Scott, he nods. "Alright. Code six six two."

Scott hesitates a moment, starting to rock a little again. A bead of sweat runs down the side of his face. "Security breach. Abort mission."

"Newton, Zackary... clearance level."



"Hunter. Three-year training. Five foot nine. Green eyes, brown hair. Two hundred ten pounds. Mental analysis: ninety-percent secure."

The more commands Alec gave, the more readily the answers came from Scott. Soon he was concentrating on answering the questions and stops rocking again. After a short while of the same back and forth method, Alec asks one last question. "Lab twenty-six. Key code."

"Two five five two six."

"Write it down." Alec holds out a piece of paper and pencil.

Scott blinks.

"Write it down," Alec says again, more firmly. He takes Scott's hand and forces him to hold the pencil. "Write."

"Two five five two six."

Alec's eyes narrow, his tone growing even more firm. "Display data."

"Two five-"

"Display data!"

Scott's gaze drops to the paper and pencil. He recognized the command, but getting any other portion of his brain to work was difficult. He squint and almost winces as he takes the paper. It almost hurt to try and think enough to write down the number he'd been repeating.

Alec watches him intently, waiting until Scott was halfway through the number. It was the opening he needed, how ever small it was. Scott was being forced to use a different part of his brain in order to write something down, and with any luck, a good shove would open that crack wider, allowing it to trigger his mind back to where it needed to be. It was a memory that Alec would go for.

Without looking away from Scott, he speaks to Hope. "Don't interfere," he warns. Without giving Scott any clue, he rips the pencil and paper from him, gets to his feet and yanks Scott up with him, just to whip him around and shove him back down to the floor, pinning him on his back with his forearm to his throat.

Scott cries out in surprise and a bit of pain, shocked by the move.

Alec straddles him and doesn't give him an inch. "Move and you're dead," he threatens.

Like a light switch going on, Scott's eyes widen. He had heard those words once before, spoken by that same voice with the same angry tone. But... but the Agency never struck the same place twice... no.... they had. Suddenly, Scott's eye begins to focus and the fog begins to clear. What was so abstract began to take on a realistic shape and all of a sudden, he was staring into the face of someone he knew. Someone who had hurt him, threatened him, scared him and had hurt his dog. That night comes rushing back into his mind. And like a wave crashing against the shore, it destroys the mental block - the block that had been formed by an onslaught of Agency data.

"No!" Scott screams and begins to fight back, set into a panic by suddenly having been attacked by an Agency man. His fist comes up and connects with Alec's jaw.

Alec's head is knocked to the side and he glares at Scott, though is more annoyed than angry. "That hurt," he chides and goes to hold down Scott's hands again.

Somehow though, Scott is quicker and he's thin enough that he manages to roll over and try to crawl away. Alec pounces on him and for several moments, both are in a brawl on the floor. Scott's fists fly and his feet kick at whatever he can. The bedside table is knocked over, sending the lamp flying with a crash and Alec cries out as a piece of glass winds up in his hand. Reese steps in to try and break it up, but in the process he is tripped and falls backward, slamming into the dresser and winding up on the floor himself.

"Let me go!" Scott screams. Sweat pours down his face and neck as he fights. "I won't talk! I won't!" He was stuck in that night, running alongside reality but not there yet.

"Cut it out!" Alec barks, trying to regain control again as Scott gets to his feet and tries to bolt. Alec is right behind him and grabs him in a choke hold. "I don't want to hurt you," he growls. "Your girlfriend wouldn't take that too kindly and neither would mine."

Whipping Scott around, his arm is still around his throat and he forces Scott to see Hope. "We're not in your house," he hisses. "Look."

"No! Let me go! I'm not going back!" Scott kicks and screams, clawing at Alec's arm to release him.

"Look at her!" Alec demands, fighting to keep Scott focused. Taking his free hand, he grabs the side of Scott's head and twists it so he has to face Hope. "Open your eyes, Scott! Look at her!"

Everything had been spinning and finally Scott's good eye lands on Hope. He squints, finding it hard to breathe under Alec's grip, his pulse still racing like mad while he soaks himself in sweat. He was so afraid. So very afraid. But those eyes... he knew those eyes... he knew that face.... it was one that could be trusted. He trusted that face.

Slowly, he begins to stop fighting, his body terribly weakened from the struggle. "Hope?" he whimpers. His eyes race around the room. It wasn't that night. He wasn't home. This was... this was a different room. Brookshire... Hope.... It all comes rushing back to him as all of the overbearing data is shoved back and suppressed once again, allowing his mind to clear.

Alec feels him starting to relax, and loosens his grip. "Where are we, Scott?" he asks calmly.

"Brookshire." Scott's knees buckle and he hangs in Alec's grip. "We're at Brookshire." All of his energy spent, he can't even stand on his own anymore.

Alec slowly lets Scott sink to the floor before straightening and taking a step back. His job was done and he gives a nod to Hope. Scott's mind was functioning again and now it was her turn. Looking over to Reese, he takes another step back, proving that he was getting out of the way so no harm could be done.

Scott stares up at Hope, then bends forward to bury his face in his hands. He had just lived a horrid nightmare all over again. His mind and emotions had been ravaged uncontrollably and it was taking its toll. His shoulders begin to shake as he starts to sob. He hurt all over, he was drenched in sweat, trembling all over and on the verge of passing out as the tears continue to fall. The trauma he felt was indescribable.

Reese rubs his shoulder gingerly and steps towards the door, motioning for Alec to come with. They'd leave Hope alone for right now though would stay right outside in the hall in case she needed them.

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