

Taking another bit of is own burger Dan turns a little listing to Dylan and puts his feel up on the booth seat and leaning his back in the crack where the wall and booth met so he could still listen to Dylan and look him in the eye.

Just staying silent Dan chews on his frys or takes a drink of his pop not interrupting Dylan but listening to him. Oh yes how Dylan reminded him of himself in his younger years. Just wanting someone to listen, or just someone to believe him. It was hard road to travel when everything was stacked against you.

"I'd believe you and listen because I have been down that road a time or two myself, and when no one will listen it sucks."

Dan gives a small nod to Dylan, he was in face more than what people though on the outside, and his closet had there own hidden skeletons tucked away. He was far from perfect and maybe that was why he felt even more to Dylan. But Dan left the ball in Dylan's court again if he wanted to keep talking he could Dan would just listen.

Keeping close to Gunner at TJY Bree can't stop smiling. Her cheeks were starting to hurt but she didn't care, the smile never moved. How could she be so happy and not smile? It was just not possible.

Hearing Gunner's comment to Susanne Bree can't help the short laugh the escaped her lips from Susanne's own confusion.

"Thats later."

And as the night continues the laughs do, and the fun just keep rolling, a few different times color coming to Bree's cheeks as she was talked about, or Gunner would tell someone else she was the best thing in the world. Being in the spot light with Gunner was different, and she liked it even more because it was with him.

As the night continues and Bree follows Gunner to the quiet part of the room Bree didn't mind at all. It was nice being around the people, but just time alone with Gunner was good to where she could hear her own thoughts.

Looking up at Gunner still holding his hand Bree's eyes twinkle a little as she just looks back into Gunner's.

"I am happy he drove too. I think I am gonna be snuggling in the back with you and possible pass out myself. I bet its going to feel nice not sleeping on that horrible cell bed and having a potty with a door..."

Bree's lips curl a little as she slipped her next comment in.

"...and not having bars in the way of doing your vamperic duty.

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