
Better come with

Though people were still clamoring around the courtroom, Gunner can only focus on Bree coming towards him. He loses her for a moment, but she reappears again, having climbed her way to the front. And as she stands just looking at him, he can only gaze upon her. It felt so unreal that this was finally over... that she was finally free... that he was finally free.

Seeing her start for him, Gunner automatically opens his arms wide, catching her as she jumps into him. His arms wrap around her tightly, unwilling to let go now that he could finally hold her.

Without even time to say hi, he's drawn into her kiss. Words could be so useless when they couldn't do justice and this was one of those moments where words would just mess things up. Gunner's pulse races as he allows Bree to deepen the kiss, giving passion right back to her. He did love her. He knew that now and he was no longer afraid of it. Forced to fight for it, it had become so precious, and he knew that he would never be willing to give it up.

As her fingers rake through his hair, his eyes remained closed, feeling in the state of perfect bliss. The rest of the room simply didn't exist. Nothing did. Not even time. It was just him and her as their hearts beat in their chests.

Finally though, Gunner pulls back just slightly, kissing Bree's nose and her cheek tenderly before looking into her eyes once more. He could hold her here forever. "It's all over," he whispers. "We're safe now... both of us."


He turns his head a little to see some of the others waving to him from behind where the guards were keeping people back. He looks back at Bree and winks. "Looks like this vampire has to go meet the mob."

Letting Bree slide back to her feet, he keeps his arms around her. "I worked this hard though... I'm not letting you out of my sight, so you better come with me."

Reese straightens a little as Angelica approaches and a smile spreads on his face. "I'd care very much to be your date."

Slinging an arm around her shoulders, he gives her a little squeeze. "Congratulations, by the way. This was quite a victory." Wandering through the doors, he looks down at her for a moment. "Party's back at TJY but I gotta pick up the cake... want to go with me?"

"Yeah..." Scott finally turns around to look at Dalton as his friend prepared to leave. "Don't let Reese wait too long for another tech guy if TJY needs one. They probably don't, but if they do... don't let Reese wait for me to come back."

Though his voice is determined, it was his eyes that betrayed him. There was a part of Scott that was missing since he'd left TJY... a part of him that was no longer being fulfilled. He'd been a perfect fit for that job and now had taken it away from himself.

Turning back to the window, his palm returns to the glass, not to look back over his shoulder again until Dalton was gone. Alone once more, he sets down his half can of Mountain Dew and wanders over to the basket they'd brought again. There were a few more goodies in there... but it was the two envelopes that caught his attention.

Taking them out, he goes to sit down on his bed. He opens the card first. Finding the words a bit fuzzy, he finds his glasses and starts to read again. It was a simple "Thinking of You" card, signed by everyone at TJY as far as he could tell. It even had Carson's signature on it. Scott was sure it had been Susanne who had gone to the work to track everybody down. Even if he was embarrassed to be here, he couldn't help a little feeling of warmth, knowing how many people had cared enough to sign the card and write their well wishes.

Next, Scott slowly unfolds the letter from his sister, pulling his legs up a little tighter to himself. It was a short letter, but the words embed themselves in his mind.

Letting the letter drop to his side, he leans back against the wall an sighs. She loved him. Despite all that had happened, she still loved him. That was nice to know. He loved her too. She was his sister... his twin. He'd always love her. But... how could they get along when she was going with a guy that Scott felt so much hate towards? It was hard to separate the two. He hated Gage, but his sister had chosen to date him. So hating one and loving the other was not an easy task.

Folding up her letter again, he sets it on his table for now, and sets the card up so he can see it. What would he do with Sapphire's words later? He didn't know. Had it changed anything? He didn't know that either. But maybe... just maybe... the first brick had been laid to building a new bridge.

Hearing a vehicle right close, Dylan jumps a little and looks up through the rain. Seeing the open door and hearing Dan's voice, he hesitates. Was this some kind of ploy? Or just a casual invite? Surely Dan knew by now that Dylan was intent on leaving.

But it was either go with or continue to sit out here in the pouring rain. Blinking away the rain, Dylan finally gets to his feet. Getting into the truck, he puts his backpack on the floor and shuts the door. He puts his seatbelt on and hunches over, his hands tight in his lap as he shivers. It looked like he was half-drowned, as wet as he was.

Unwilling to look at Dan, he just stares at the floor, cold, wet and miserable. "I don't have money for lunch," he mumbles.

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