
Another bass

Hearing Destiny start to laugh, Chance can't hold it in any longer and he starts to laugh too. Wandering towards the kitchen, he keeps his laughter quiet, though it doesn't last long. Leaning on the doorframe, he watches Destiny and shakes his head too.

"Next time I'll knock." He laughs some more, finding it even more funny with each passing moment. His eyes start to water and he puts a hand to his side as it aches. "I'm sorry but... but and... and the mouse and..."

Bending over, he has to walk away from the kitchen before he makes too much of a scene, going to lean on the back of the couch and trying to catch his breath.

A smile creases Justin's lips as he hears about Troy. At least Beth was talking to him. He'd been afraid she would simply lapse into total silence. "Troy, huh?"

He chuckles and sets the hook to begin a fight with another bass. "My brother and I had a turtle once... but when it got out of the aquarium, Ma made us get rid of it. Apparently she found it by the toilet in the bathroom though it's just as well we were down at the creek and couldn't hear her scream."

Landing the good-sized bass, Justin has trouble getting the hook out and has to revert to the pliers in his back pocket to finally dislodge it. "We never did bring critters in the house after that," he continues wryly. "I think we knew if we did, we'd be the ones kicked out and not the critter."

No sooner does he have the bass on the stringer with the other one, than the bobber on his other rod goes under the water. Acting quickly, he picks up that rod and sets the hook. "Feels like another bass," he muses.

Holding the bending rod steady, he looks over to Beth. "Wanna reel him in?"

Ty yawns and downs his glass of milk before wandering back into the living room and flopping down next to Libby to watch the rest of the B movie that was playing on television. He'd been asleep for several hours after getting home from work, and had opted to at least get some time in with Libby before he had to head out again tonight.

"Oh, I almost forgot." Fishing in his jeans pocket, he pulls out a piece of paper with a phone number scribbled on it. "Got a lead on a place for you. Someone looking for a roommate. Her name is Dani Banks... about your age." He thinks for a minute. "She's the blonde waitress down at Mom and Pop's... her brother works contract for TJY. Anyway... I know she's safe and all. Her brother got married and moved out a while back but she's wanting some company. So... I got her number for you. Or I guess you could drop by Mom and Pop's and see her too, if you're interested."

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