

Lying on his stomach in bed after supper, Hunter reads Katie's text and smiles broadly. He needed to get to sleep, but he'd answer her one more time.

To: Katie
From: Hunter
Soon Babe... soon. :)

Still smiling, he rolls his eyes. He couldn't help one more.

To: Katie
From: Hunter
Sweet dreams, princess. 
More texts tomorrow. Promise.

Yawning and burying his head further into his pillow, he keeps his phone close, even though he does try to go to sleep. There'd be no late night card games tonight.

The rest of the day was long, and the night even longer. But with the help of another couple shots from Rick, Carson was forced to sleep away the hours, giving his body no choice but to rest. And in the morning after sleeping late, he was prompted to at least eat some toast and have some orange juice, which he took without complaint. He remained in his room, quiet enough that Rick was rather concerned, but let him be for now. At noon, Susanne brought him some chicken noodle soup for lunch. She didn't say much... Carson couldn't tell if she was upset with him or not, but at least it didn't look like she hated him. After eating half the soup he laid back down again, his mind wandering to the infirmary over and over and over again. But today, he didn't go. Today, he kept himself from seeing Misty. And it hurt. It hurt so badly. But it was true... she really did hate him and didn't want him back. And all his presence did was upset her. Instead of being a comfort and joy to her, he was a menace and stress. All because he'd lied to save her? It was a rotten reward. 

"Reese said we'd give you protection if you wanted it, at least until this thing dies down. Carson's still convinced we can find the guy behind all this." Con leans back in the kitchen chair having come home from work for lunch. Taking a sip of his water, he cocks his head, studying Jaz. "What do you think?" 

"I think Carson's delusional. I have from the beginning." Jaz nibbles on her BLT, enjoying even the simple sandwich. It really did taste good. She'd slept better last night than she had in a long while and had even slept late. She also appreciated Con and Jamie letting her do so. 

Con quirks an eyebrow and exchanges a glance with Jamie before looking back at Jaz. "Delusional?"

"Thinking he can outsmart the Agency." Jaz shakes her head. "I told him it wouldn't work - that he couldn't take them down himself. But he's always been thickheaded."

"That much is true." 

Jaz is quiet for a few moments before daring to look over at Jamie and noticing again the faded scar on her face. Her mouth opens to say something, but she shuts it again, looking back at her lunch. What she'd really like to know was whether or not Carson gave her that scar, and if he had, why these two people didn't hate him.

The air was filled with the sound of crickets chirping their nightly song. The sky was dotted with stars, signaling clear weather. And a chilly breeze blew - a reminder that morning was a long way off yet. It was the middle of the night, perfect for travel.

"I... really don't know how to thank you." Hunter stares back at Mick, feeling an odd sort of churn in his stomach. Or was it his heart? He was all ready to go. His bike was packed. He'd said his goodbyes to everyone else last night after supper. And his keys were in hand.

Mick smiles warmly and shakes his head as they stand in the driveway. "That's 'cause you don't have to."

"I feel like I do." Hunter tries to swallow the lump in his throat as he shifts his weight. It had been a long time since he'd felt anything like this. "I feel so ready to leave, yet... a part of me doesn't want to."

Mick chuckles. "That just means you'll be back."

Hunter sighs but nods. He knew it was time. It was time for him to return to Nevada. Time for him to return to his life. Time for him to move on. He holds out his hand for a handshake. "Goodbye, Mick."

Mick grasps his hand firmly before pulling him in for a hug instead. Drawing back, his hand gives Hunter's shoulder a strong pat. "You are welcome here anytime, Hunter. I mean that. Day or night. You're part of this family now whether you like it or not."

Hunter bites his lip as his emotions increase their churning. "You know, I..." He pauses to clear his throat. "I told Dylan once that I was jealous of him... that I wished I had a dad like you." He nods as he takes a deep breath but he's not sure he can say what he really wants, while still remaining composed.

Mick's smile returns and he nods his understanding. "Consider yourself adopted. I don't think Rosetta will mind."

A laugh surfaces, as do the unwanted tears, but Hunter ignores them as he holds his smile. "I will be back," he promises.

"Good. Now get going before you lose too much time. You've got a young lady waiting on you."

Hunter nods again and finally turns to walk to his bike. Donning his helmet and firing up the engine he exchanges a final wave with Mick before heading down the driveway. Almost to the road, a figure appears from the shadows, and he stops, taking off his helmet.

Dylan wanders closer, his hands tucked in his pockets. "You leaving for good?" he asks loudly over the motorcycle's idling engine.

Hunter shakes his head. "Wild horses couldn't keep me away."

Dylan eyes him for a moment before nodding. "Good." He holds out his hand. "Don't kill yourself on your trip. I hate funerals."

Hunter laughs, knowing that was as close to, "I'm gonna miss you," as he was going to get, and he gives Dylan's hand a hearty shake. "You got it."

Dylan steps back from the bike again and gives a wave, waiting until Hunter was zipping down the road before he turns and wanders back up the driveway. He sees Mick still standing near the barn, and his pace slows, but he finds himself continuing his path until coming up in front of him. "Little late for an old man like you to be up, isn't it?"

Mick's eyebrows rise until he sees a rare teasing glint in Dylan's eyes and a grin creeps across his mouth. "Me? An old man? Boy, I feel younger every day."

Dylan returns a faint sort of smile before turning and aiming for his bunk. After only a couple steps though, he stops and turns, just studying his father for several minutes. "You staying home for supper tonight, right?"

Mick nods. Being one o'clock in the morning, it really was the next day, and it was their usual day to have supper at home - him, Rosetta and BJ.

Dylan shrugs. "Mind if I come over?"

It takes all Mick has not to act too excited. Dylan had come over several times lately with Hunter, but this was the first time he'd asked on his own without being invited or prompted. A wide smile forms. "I don't mind a bit."

"Okay." Dylan gives a little shrug before turning back around and once more heading for his bunkhouse.

Watching his son for several minutes, Mick draws in a rather shaky breath before turning his gaze to the sky. Thank you... for a new son... and a son who is slowly returning. Guide their paths... and please help me be the father I need to be. 

It turned out to be a great day for traveling, as far as the weather and traffic went. Hunter was able to make few stops and also made very good time... perhaps better time than he should have, while pressing the speed limit with his motorcycle. Arriving in Nevada at least an hour sooner than anticipated though, was a nice bonus.

Having not told Katie he was coming home today, he'd texted her on his stops, never lying, but purposely giving her the impression he was still back at the ranch. Now late afternoon, he was exhausted from the trip, but pleased that there was still half a day remaining before he'd consider going to bed. He'd had longer nights than this and survived...

...Ambling across the main floor of TJY, his leather jacket creaks slightly, his motorcycle boots thumping rhythmically on the tiles. Seeing a few people notice him, he raises a finger to his lips for them to keep quiet. The stares returned were leery, but he didn't care.

Getting to Katie's cubicle, he slips silently in behind her chair, staring over her shoulder for a moment as she worked on her computer. Moving quickly, he puts his hands over her eyes while remaining behind her. "Guess who. And if you're wrong, I'm going back to Texas."

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