

As Katie shifts on his lap, Hunter sets his chin down on her shoulder to stare at what she was doing. "You sure you can't just skip out early?" He turns his head to give her neck several teasing kisses before he chuckles softly. "You might not get any work done at all with me here anyway."

Having gone unnoticed while standing by the hallway, Jason's fingers fiddle with the papers in his hand while his eyes remain on Katie's cubicle. There was a strange kind of emotion bubbling deep down, but he had yet to label it. And perhaps...he didn't want to either.

Moving forward again after having paused upon Hunter's joyous arrival,  Jason aims for Katie's cubicle. Rapping his knuckles on the wall, he reaches over to hand Katie the papers. "Data entry. Gunner needs an organized report before you leave for the day. Sorry."

As his gaze wanders slightly, his eyes lock with Hunter's. "Boss is pretty cranky today. If I were you, I'd go have a seat in the break room 'til Katie's ready to go - it's down the hall. Unless you wanna risk getting her in trouble."

Hunter keeps his arms around Katie, not intimidated by Jason's curt tone. Instead of recoiling, he smiles. "Thanks. If I can get her to move, I might just do that. At the moment though, it seems she's glued to me pretty good."

Jason tries not to let his irritation show and he simply shrugs. "Suit yourself." His eye drift back to Katie for just a moment before he turns and heads back to his own office.

Only after they're alone again does Hunter's smile fade, but still behind Katie, his expression goes unseen. His grip tightens just a little as he gives her a squeeze. "He's probably right. I should let you work. I can hang out here or just meet you later if you want. Although if you let me wait, you can get a motorcycle ride..."

Jaz wasn't too sure about all that Jamie was saying, but she didn't particularly like the odd little churn deep down in her heart. It was the same feeling she'd gotten when Carson had talked to her about God too. 

Not really wanting to continue the subject right now, she sits back and nods at the opportunity to move on. "Yeah, I feel okay here. I wish I didn't have to keep looking over my shoulder, but I'd rather be here than back at the apartment." 

Being picked up and taken to the restaurant, Ariel was pleased with Trey's choice. She was glad she'd chosen to wear her peasant skirt and blouse - nothing fancy but nice enough to be comfortable in this atmosphere. Her hair fell over her shoulders as the dim light caressed her face in a slight glow. 

Hearing that Trey had decided to stay, a smile spreads on her lips. "I'm glad you decided to stay." She knew that it would probably be better for him that he stayed - away from all the bad dealings that had gone on in Mexico. It was a wise choice to remain here and start another life away from all that. 

Cocking her head, she is unafraid to study his eyes for several quiet moments. What was behind his gaze? What was going on in that head of his? What was he thinking about behind that cryptic look? 

Quirking a little grin, she finally drops he gaze to take a sip of her water. "You'll be able to find a place, no problem. This city has its faults, but it's got a lot of opportunities too. And... seems like you got a few people looking out for you. You'll be on your feet in no time. Of that, I have no doubt."

Did this mean that he would continue pursuing a friendship with her? Did he want more than that, now that he knew he'd be staying? Whether or not he did was a mystery behind those eyes.

Hearing someone come into the dining room, Rosalyn wipes her hands on a dish towel and abandons the dishes for now to poke her head through the doorway.

"Junk... junk... bill... junk." Becky smirks at Mick as she pauses cleaning tables to look through the mail he'd just handed her. "Thanks a lot."

Mick laughs and shrugs. "Sorry." He flips through the rest of the handful of envelopes. "Looks like you might have gotten the best deal of the day."

"Ew. Well, don't forget to duck."

Mick grins and heads back for the door. "Uh-huh."

Rosalyn sighs and slips back into the kitchen. It really hadn't been all that long since she'd gotten a letter from Chad. But it was longer than usual between correspondence, and, if she were to be honest with herself, it felt like forever.

Returning to the sink, she runs her hands through the dishwater's bubbles, watching them pop in her palm. Was the future to pop just like that? Was the hope she'd actually dared to hope going to burst like these tiny bubbles? There were millions of reasons she might not have heard from Chad again. Maybe his letter got lost in the mail. But none of his others had. Maybe he was just extremely busy with work, and traveling a lot. But... he'd always found time to write in spite of that before.

Sighing again, Rosalyn resumes washing the waiting dishes. She was being silly. First, to be so worried he'd forgotten about her, and second.... well... to be so worried. 

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