
Poor fella

Jade becomes thoughtful as Dan explains. Her rubbing on the horse slows a little as she concentrates before Dan's hand bumps hers and she returns his smile. "Yeah... I guess it's good I wasn't out there. I probably woulda have fallen to pieces and you'd end up rescuing me too."

She grins at him slyly. "Not that I'd mind. We could always hide in the brush and you could tell them later that it took you positively hours to find me." She giggles and finishes up her side of the horse. "Okay... I think it's time to put this brute to bed. Poor fella looks worn out."

Petting the horse's neck, she gives Dan another glance. "No, I was talking about this horse. Sorry."

Hearing that BJ was going to be okay sent a wave of relief through Mick. The boy was hurt, but Angel was positive about his recovery. A silent praise went up to God.

Walking to the other side of the bed from Rosetta, Mick looks down on his adopted son. BJ had become such a part of their family... it was hard to imagine what life would be like without his energy and constant questions. He might not be Mick's blood, though he was a nephew. Stronger still though was the fact that Mick had taken him on as his own and it wasn't something he took lightly.

A dark cloud seemed to come over as he continued to dwell on this evening. This little boy could have died tonight. BJ shouldn't have wandered off, that was for sure. But stronger yet was the point that Dylan never should have let a child wander back to the ranch alone. And that was as close to unforgivable as it got.

Mick reaches down to stroke BJ's hair before withdrawing and joining Rosetta in gratefulness. "Yeah... thanks, Angel. Never been so glad you're a doctor."

Hesitating a few more moments, he nods to both her and his wife. "I'll be back."

Without giving time for questions, he heads for the door and back out into the night air. Turning the corner, he aims straight for the bunkhouses, his stride firm and determined. Anger coursed through his veins. Maybe he really had been wrong to bring Dylan mere. Maybe he should have let the kid go to ruin just so he'd finally learn. But no, he'd been so determined to bring him here, and all that had happened since was disaster after disaster.

Getting to the right bunkhouse, he doesn't even knock, but barges in unannounced.

Dylan sits straight up on the bed, his eyes wide. Luke jumps, startled by the intrusion. "Mick... what's wrong? Is BJ okay?"

Mick grits his teeth and nods. "He'll be alright." He turns his gaze to Dylan. "No thanks to you. Outside. Now."

Dylan hesitates. He didn't like the look in his father's eye and he was downright scared to go outside with him. "Why?"

"Because I said so!" Mick barks.

Luke gets to his feet and slowly positions himself between father and son. "Mick... take it easy. I know you're upset but-"

"Upset doesn't cover the half of it. Get out of my way, Luke. It's high time Dylan learned a lesson about consequences."

"A consequence should never be the exemption of love," Luke returns sharply.

Mick stares into Luke's eyes, frustration boiling. "Are you telling me how to raise your son?"

"No... unfortunately the world has already raised him for you. But if you want to give him one more reason to hate you, go right ahead. Think on it first though, will ya? Clear your head before you do something you'll regret for the rest of your life."

Though still incredibly angry, Luke's words did strike deeply enough for Mick to second guess his motives here. So instead of doing as planned, he simply points to his son. "If I hear you got so close as fifteen feet from BJ, you'll have me to answer to. Got it?"

Dylan watches numbly as his father spins on his heel and stalks out again. His face pale, he swallows hard. Apparently tonight had been the last straw. He might as well start packing tonight.

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