
Nothing Major

Working on the other side of the horse with Jade Dan was quiet but he was very thankful for her company. Even if she never said anything still knowing she was close that he could touch her was all he needed.

Looking up at Jade's question Dan gives her a nod. He hadn't though he looked that obvious but than again he felt silly thinking he could pull one over on her. Trying to give the best smile he can Dan continues to rub the horse down.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I just...seeing BJ like that its hard seeing someone so little get hurt and know there is nothing you can do to help them. I guess I am shook up a little just seeing his body so still there, I was so scared."

Continuing to rub down the horse Dan falls silent before reaching over the horses back a little high hitting Jade's own hand. Looking to her and giving a little bigger smile Dan's eyes twinkle a little letting Jade know he would be ok.

And time torched those who waited as the hands on the clock ticked. Everyone waiting to see what was going on and if the small child they cared a great deal about would be ok. Those seeking the comfort of the ones they loved, the arms around them to help help know they were not alone.

Opening the door to the infirmary Angel steps out and gives a nod to Mick and Rosetta to come in. Knowing them would follow she steps into the room. BJ still nessled in the bed his eyes still closed, a bandage spread across his for head, His arm in a cast, and an IV hooked up to him. His form seeming so small.

"First off..He's going to be ok. I want to keep him here at least till he wakes up. He has 4 stitches on his head, his arm was fractured more than likely from trying to break his fall. He was a little dehydrated, and he didn't lose to much blood. He has a few other scratch but nothing major."

Walking over to BJ Angel check the iv that was hooked up to him making sure the flow was ok as she continued to talk to Mick and Rosetta.

"As to when he will wake up, I am not sure. Right now since he is here and out of danger I think his body will be able to relax. It's possible he will be asleep for a while so he can heal and honesty for a child with energy it could be a good thing. But all in all He will be ok. I just want to keep an eye on him to make sure his concussion doesn't grow worse, but as far as I can tell there is no brain damage but I wont know more on that till he wakes."

Holding Mick's hand Rosetta lets out a sigh of relief knowing BJ would be ok. They weren't out of danger yet, but BJ for now would be ok and for that Rosetta was so thankful.

Moving over to the bed where BJ was Rosetta runs a hand through his soft hair gently. He still looked so small in the bed, with the cast around his arm. Rosetta couldn't help another tear that slipped from her eye.

"Thank you Angel."

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