

Hearing Rosalyn agree to him walking her home Chad gives a smile before grabbing some socks and shoes. Quickly putting them on she was already out the door, maybe she just needed the fresh air, or maybe she was just trying to get away but if it was the later one why would she let him walk her home. 

Standing and leaving the bunk house Chad button's up his shirt as he joins her. Just leaving the top few buttons open the cool breeze felt nice against his hot skin. Join Rosalyn and walking just a few steps Chad reaches over and takes one of her hands in his own locking fingers. Chad still didn't understand why he was feel like this, and couldn't explain the flood of emotions he only hoped with Rosalyn he didn't over step his bounds.

Walking and looking to the side and down at her he smiles again. Words seemed to be jumble though he wanted to say something he new what but when playing it in his head it sounded dumb. Than again maybe Rosalyn thought this whole thing was dumb so what should his words matter if they came out wrong.

   "You're a very lovely woman Rosalyn, and I can't explain what got into me today more than anyone else can...all I can say thought is whatever it is, I'm glad. You should feel mighty special though it's been a long time since I read poetry to anyone."

Continuing to walk Chad wasn't sure witch bunk was her but he'd let her lead. If the walk was long he didn't mind it was nice out, and if it was short he'd enjoyed him time tonight being with Rosalyn. Tomorrow would be a new day and he wondered of odd things it would hold once more.

Walking slowly with Eric it was most night that Stacy had his company and she didn't mind one bit. Keeping herself alert, and focused seemed even easier with him around. Maybe it was because the feeling of being lonely was not gone that she could just considerate one things more. It actually took someone being with her to make her realize that she really had been lonely.

   "So I was thinking maybe tomorrow for lunch You, Ash and I could go into town and just do something special. Still not totally sure everything to do around here but I am sure we could figure something out."

As movement catching her eyes Stacy turns her head stopping for a moment. It was one of her jobs to know who came and went from the ranch so she new the man was one of the newcomers About to start walking again she stops seeing Rosalyn with him, hand in hand. That was odd or so she though, did Rosalyn know them? It would seem kind of strange to just meet them today and already be hand in hand with one of them.

   "Do you know if it was just Katie who new the new group of people who came or did Rosalyn know them too?"

Continuing to just watch nothing seemed out of place and it didn't look like Rosalyn was trying to fend him off or stop him from holding her hand. It looked normal like nothing was wrong at all. Maybe she had known them, or make it was something else that she didn't know about. Trying her best not to jump to assumptions she just watches for a few moments longer.

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