
You certainly aren't

Seeing Chad grab hold of the sheet with that mischievous look, Rosalyn's eyes widen. "Don't you dare. Chad, you-"

Too late. He'd ripped the sheet off the bed. Just about to put her hands on her hips and chew him out for messing up the bed, she doesn't even have time. All at once, her hand is being held by his and sweet poetry is ringing in her ears once more. Everything seemed to move in slow motion as the sheet twirls around them and she's spun in a fairytale dance. Her little shriek of surprise gets caught in her throat and never does reach the surface.

Staring up into Chad's eyes, she finds them full. Full of laughter. Energy. Life. His words make her knees weak and her common sense screams at her that this whole thing was ridiculously close to crazy and she'd better get out of there before something bad happened. But being brought to a halt, she finds her feet stuck solid to the floor.

With both her hands in his, and held so closely to him, every nerve on her skin felt his touch. Her ears absorbed his mellow voice as her nose picked up his sweet scent of soap from his recent shower. The common sense that had just screamed at her was all too quickly forgotten.

His final statement makes her swallow hard, her eyes still locked with his. "No," she manages a whisper, "you certainly aren't."

Never had she felt like this before. Told such romantic things. Held so closely to a man. A grown man. An older and more mature man. Her hands tremble slightly. It was a frightening thrill as her common sense begs to be let back in again.

Rosalyn's eyes lower and she tries to get her feet to move, but they were still nailed to the floor. As her gaze falls to his chest, she gives in to the unfamiliar urge that moved one of her hands from his. Her fingers graze his chest lightly, running over his smooth skin and pushing aside his shirt just as little so she could see his tattoo better before tracing the cross with her fingertips.

Opening her mouth, it takes a moment for any sound to come, and even then, it's quiet. "I should go..."

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