
A Man

Feeling Chad take her hand, it was Rosalyn's common sense knocking at the door again that made her tense slightly. Her first reaction was to pull away. He'd already crossed a line far into her comfort zone back at his bunkhouse. She'd been hit on by guests a few times before, but she'd ignored them or gave them a bad enough time that they'd given up - none of them had ever recited poetry out of nowhere, taken her in closely or, heaven forbid, let her touch their bare chest, let alone let her feel their heart beating. What was she thinking?!  

Maybe it was as simple as that she was a woman without a partner and this was a highly attractive man. For whatever the reason she hadn't fought things, she found herself not wanting to withdraw her hand from his. His skin was warm... rough but gentle. His hand was much bigger than her own, making it feel as though he had her in a protective, sheltered grip. 

Keeping her eyes to the ground as they walk, Chad's words seep into her heart, whether she wanted them to or not. She was sure he was just a big flirt and probably wherever he went, he tried to pick up a girl with his smooth lines and irresistible demeanor, just to have a bit of fun before going on his way again. Even so, calling her a woman instead of a girl like most people did, gave her a nice feeling of warmth. She felt... respected. And whether she was really all that special or not... she couldn't help it that she liked hearing him say it. She might feel foolish tonight, but she was still a woman who longed for a man's affections. Needed them. So even if she believed Chad didn't really mean any of this, she couldn't help but enjoy the attention. 

Not knowing how she could even respond, she opts for quietness. She knew it would probably make him wonder if she was pleased or offended, but at this point, leaving him a little confused was okay with her - it was the only card she had to play at this point. 

Walking past the rows of bunkhouses, she leads the way down the driveway a little ways before turning onto another path. More than likely he had no idea where she actually lived, but she just quietly walks until the house comes into view. Seeing a couple lights still on, she stops, still a short distance from the house. Turning and looking up at Chad, she studies his rugged features in the moonlight, a small smile coming to her lips. "And this is where I say goodnight."

Glancing down at their hands, she memorizes how it looked... how it felt. This wasn't the same as any boys that had ever held her hand. This was a man. 

Finally sliding her hand from his, she takes a step back and raises her eyes again. She was glad it was darker out here so her red cheeks wouldn't be quite as noticeable. "Sleep well, Chad. I'm sure I'll see you sometime tomorrow." 

Walking alongside Stacy, Eric enjoyed the night air. Most nights he found himself walking with her on her nightly rounds - and if not, they'd meet up in the hayloft for a little while. Being with her, it gave him purpose. Something to look forward to, and he wouldn't trade it for the world - nor would he trade his time spent with her daughter either. Every day he grew just a little more fond of the girl, and each day he wondered what the future might have in store for the three of them. 

"Yeah, I'd love to go into town tomorrow. There's nothing I'm really needed for, that I know of." 

Stopping his train of thought to follow Stacy's gaze, he raises his eyebrows in surprise at seeing Rosalyn and the other man. "I... certainly didn't think so..." He continues to watch, finding it very odd indeed. "She didn't act like she knew them when they showed up for supper." He squints a little in the dark, before the two moved almost out of sight. "Hmm." That was about all he could say about that. It wasn't like Rosalyn to be loose around guests, let alone male guests, let alone male guests who appeared to be quite a bit older than she. But it didn't look like she was trying to get away from the guy, so Eric really couldn't interfere. "Interesting." 

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