
Wild cat

Finishing her beer off Ryan lets out a small sigh. She felt bad and could only hope the people at TJY would understand and at least listen to him. He'd come this far to have it all go away.

"Hey, at least here you still have someone who will come and see you eh? Ya never know too the might understand more than you think. And yes I will drive slow."

Coming back over to Alec Ryan helps him up. Taking it slowly she new Alec was in pain and didn't want to jerk him around to much and causing more damage.

Finally getting him into the car and starting out Ryan drives slow. It was a little on the late side so she had no idea if anyone would be at TJY but she could only hope.

Glancing at Alec Ryan lips form a grin as she thinks about the event that had happened with Jason and she still found some humor in it.

"If you happen to see Jason, don't stair at him to much ok? I think he got in a fight with a wildcat."

Giving a small smile as Reese have her a hug Hope returned it. The comfort was nice though she didn't want to let it linger to much and start second guessing herself.

"Thanks Reese, I'll be ok. I'll keep the offer in mind though in case I need it."

Backing away a little Hope follows Reese inside before going to her makeshift office to gather a few things she needed. After that she'd had back to Scott's and grab Domino to bring her back to her house for a while.

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