

Jeff laughs and nods. "Yeah, that's Beej alright. Poor Rosetta..." Though he did think it was funny. Rosetta could take a lot, but Jeff knew she disliked snakes. 

Enjoying a cold treat with Hunter and Katie was very much appreciated, as far as Jeff was concerned. Once they got to the little place and ordered, they were able to sit outside and it felt so much better than a hospital room. Jeff knew he needed to be careful but... he did want to get home and to a regular routine again. 

It seemed like in no time they were pulling into the ranch driveway. It probably seemed a shorter trip to Jeff since he'd dozed off several times. But he wasn't going to let his tiredness get the best of him. Getting out of the car, he thanks Hunter and Katie again and says he'll see them at supper. For now though, he heads to the main office. 

Knocking before entering, Jeff slips inside to find Rosetta at her desk. "Hey, Sis..." 

Outside, Hunter leans  back against the hood of Katie's car and gives her a questioning look. "Guess there's a little while before supper," he muses. "What are your plans?" 

"Nothing but a taco?" Justin grins and turns his truck into the Mexican restaurant's parking lot. "We'll have to remedy that. I bet we can find something you'll like."

After parking, Justin waits for Beth to escort her inside, holding the door for her and accepting a booth not far from the door. Getting settled across from her, he scans the menu. "Mm... they have a pretty good variety. I might go for some fajitas..."

It was kind of strange. Being here. It was warm and cozy, yet just as lonely as a hospital room. 

Jared lies in bed, staring up at the ceiling. At least the walls weren't stark white and at least the house didn't smell like sterile cleaning substances. But it was still quiet. He was still alone. 

Settled in the spare room on the main floor of the house, he could hear his mother working in the kitchen. She came to check on him often - help him, since he couldn't get up out of bed by himself. He'd be embarrassed if he hadn't spent so much time being helped in the hospital. He'd learned to take it in stride, even if it really did bother him. All he wanted at this point was to get to the bathroom and back on his own... even that wasn't possible yet, but he was too well to stay at the hospital any longer. 

Apparently Justin had assisted their mother in rearranging furniture in the house so that a wheelchair could get around fairly easily. And last night, Justin had been working on the porch to build a ramp...even though he hadn't come inside to talk to him. Even so, with all this help, Jared felt out of place - like he didn't belong. Even though his mother doted on him and tried to keep him occupied, he was still bored... still lonely. And oddly enough, there was a part of him that missed the number of people passing by at the hospital. 

Glancing around the room, he sighs. It was a nice sized room... but everything but the bed and a small nightstand had been moved out to provide room for him, a wheelchair, and whatever Grace needed. 


Jared's eyes move up to the clock on the wall. Today was the first day Grace would come here for his physical therapy. He was looking forward to seeing her, but not to the therapy. He knew it was good that his legs were feeling more, but the more he felt, the more pain he was in, and it wasn't fun. 

A car's engine makes him cock his head to listen, and he wished he could get up and go to the window to see who it was.

Twila looks quickly to Alice, her eyes wide. They'd become pretty good friends after spending so much time together lately, but Twila never would have thought she'd be asked something like this. 

"I'd... I'd love to." Her smile spreads from ear to ear. "I mean, I'd like nothing more so yes... of course I will." 

Clasping her hands with excitement, her eyes dance. "I'm just so happy for you and Kyle. You both deserve this." 

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