

Looking up at the should of the knock Rosetta gives a smile to Jeff. She new he would be back today and that Hunter and Katie had went to get him. Actually having him back here though was a releaf, and made Rosetta happy. It just didn't seem the same without one of her brothers around.

   "Jeff, Welcome home."

Standing and going over to her brother to give him a strong embrace Rosetta just holds it for a long few seconds. Really happy to see him home Rosetta was thankful her brother would be around a while longer. This had been a close call that scared the crap out of her.

   "You're looking much better than the last time I saw you thats for sure. It really is great to gave you home. Wasn't the same without your laughter at dinner."

Coming a little closer to Hunter and laying a hand on his arm Katie gives a smile. She was happy he'd come with her today even though he was sore. It meant a lot to her more than Hunter would ever know.

   "See thats the thing about being here its more of a take is as it comes kind of thing, more than a plan your day. As long as chores are done in the morning, and if they need help at night you can."

Letting her fingers walk up Hunter's arm Katie just chuckles finding it humors in her own way but not really knowing why, maybe it was just one of those days.

   "We could always take a walk if you want or see if there is work in the barn?"

Looking down at the menu Beth scans everything. She had no idea what any of it was so she had to read each description taking her a little bit longer. Finally thinking maybe she found something the only way she really would know was by trying it. 

   "I think I am going to try the chicken casadea. It sounds pretty good."

Smiling at Justin and waiting for the waiter to come over Beth keeps the chatter with Justin light. Talking about there days, what they had been up too and how work for both sucked keeping them from spending time with each other. But they both agreed finally being able to get together it felt extra special.

Finally after only waiting a short while there food comes. Looking down at her plate it was bigger than she thought it would be but it looks so yummy Beth was excited to eat it. Taking a bite and chewing she looked up at Justin he eyes slightly wide.


Those were the only words she said as she went in to eat some more. Who could not like this treat. It was chicken, cheese, spices and it was oh so good. Beth thought maybe he found her newest favoret dish to eat.

The night continues on as normal people coming in and out of the restront. It was a busy little place but only in spirts so it wasn't to uncomfortable. Just sitting with Justin at the table dinner was long over but she wasn't ready to go, not yet anyways.

   "I'll be right back I just have to run to the restroom."

Getting up and heading to the bathroom Beth wasn't long but she was long enough to have bad timing. Coming back out of the bathroom to join Hunter again she runs smack dab in the middle of a robbery. The music in the bathroom had been louder than out in the dining area so she had no idea till it was to late. 

Seeing the opportunity to get the upper hand the robber who was tall and rather broad spotted Beth and in one quick moment he has her in a tight hold his gun pointed at her, his eyes blazing with anger, fear, and determination.

   "Give me all the money or I'll shoot the girl. No one try anything heroic either or your goin to have a bigger mess than some missing money."

Not even knowing what happened right away Beth trys to squirm getting away from the gunmen but can't. Feeling the cold steel of the gun on her skin she knows now to struggle anymore as her heart races. Her eyes filled with fear as she finds Justin and her eyes pierces his. A few tears rolled down her cheek as now...now she wished they had just stayed home.

Having her bag and making her way to the door Graces gives a knock. Seeing Jared's mom was the one that opened it she smiles to her and gives her greeting. She as happy that they had come to an understatement on what needed to be done to help Jared and yet would not be to stressful on his mom as well. The last thing Grace wanted to do was put her own health in jeopardy too.

Being pointed in the right direction Grave gives a knock on Jared's door before entering. Seeing him her smile grows slightly as she enters.

   "Hey there Jared. How are you today? It's a nice day out again. I was thinking if maybe you wanted to get outside for a little bit we could do what we need to in the back yard and enjoy the sunshine."

Alice's smile grows as she see her friends excitement. It was nice to see everyone so excited and the encouragement they gave each other. It was refreshing and made her get even more excited herself. What seemed so far away, seemed so close it was an odd sensation.

   "Ok, good because I'd hate to have to beg."

Just letting her eyes beam Alice couldn't help how excited she was. She'd found love again and felt so content with it. God had been good to her indeed and she couldn't ask for anything more in like than what she had right now.

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