

Letting the whole secret conversation go by, Jeff doesn't ask what it was between Hunter and Katie that seemed so funny. Maybe he didn't want to know. 

Once in the elevator, he smirks as Katie turns her back on them. Looking to Hunter he shrugs. "I thought it was logical that she was in on the whole thing. I mean.... she does have an ornery streak. And I know this, 'cause she gets it from me."

"Oh, I have no doubt." Hunter leans back in the corner, hiding his smile. "I have a feeling that one of these days, it's gonna rear it's ugly head and I'm gonna be right in the firing line of some well-executed prank." 

"Ah." Jeff nods. "Yes, indeed. That's wisdom right there, boy. You just keep on having that feeling and don't let your guard down. That's when she's most apt to strike." 

As the elevator reaches the ground floor, Hunter slips out - to hold the door and make sure it didn't close and... to avoid getting whacked, kicked, or anything else he deserved for picking on Katie. He does offer her a sweet smile though, and a little wave.

It doesn't take long to get outside, and Hunter pulls the car around so they can ditch the wheelchair and not have to walk back far with it. Settled in the front passenger seat, Jeff lets out a long, weary sigh. He'd only been here a couple days, but it felt like forever to him, and he was tremendously glad to be going home. 

Sliding in behind the wheel, Hunter glances in his rearview mirror at Katie, making sure she was ready to go too. "Alright.... frozen yogurt... which way?" 

Jeff points to the right. "That way.... go one block then hang a left." He didn't need to ask where Katie had in mind - he knew the one favorite spot.

"Got it." As Hunter pulls the car out of the parking lot, he gives Jeff a sidelong glance. The man looked pale and bone weary. Not that it was surprising, but Hunter was sure it wasn't easy on Katie, seeing her dad like this. "You wanna pick up and go so we don't have to hang around town long or...?" He just wanted to be nice and not make it seem as though he were eager to stay here longer - the ranch was where Jeff's rest would come. 

"Nope." Jeff wags his finger in the air. "The sooner we get back to the ranch, the sooner I'll be cooped up again. I'm going to enjoy this, so we're gonna go, relax, eat our frozen yogurt and then head home.... And that's an order." 

Hunter's eyes widen a little and he nods. "Yes, sir. Got it." 

"Good." Jeff grins and reaches a hand back behind his seat to pat Katie's knee. "Thanks for coming and getting me. Have I missed anything exciting the last couple days?" 

Justin chuckles and curls his fingers around Beth's hand. "We can't have you cooking on our first date - that wouldn't be right, now would it?" 

Looking down into her eyes, he imagined how different it was from the first day he'd met her. There had been dark clouds in her gaze - storms of suppressed emotions and hidden dreams. But now, the light was shining through, adding brightness to the world. Tonight she almost seemed like an excited little girl, finally set free on a new adventure. Justin was used to girls who had dated before - who were confident in going out with a man. Beth's innocence was rather refreshing and... perhaps he enjoyed being able to take the lead.

Within five minutes, they were in Justin's pickup - which was cleaner than it had been in a long time. He'd worked hard at eliminating the odor of dogs and fish... well, maybe it wasn't entirely eliminated, but it was at least tolerable now, having been scrubbed and accented with a mirror air freshner. 

"Okay... let's see..." Heading down the main street in town, Justin glances from left to right. "We have the ever-popular greasy fast food.... coffee joint... ah, there's a buffet.... and that nice mexican restaurant... What are you in the mood for?" 

"Oooh, I like baby blue." Twila turns the book around to look at the pictures Alice had been talking about. "If you think it's too light, maybe go with like a periwinkle or something? I think either would be fine though, and I like the idea of baby's breath." 

She gives Alice a sly look and a grin. "Of course... all this talk of babies and you might give someone the wrong idea." Giggling, she shakes her head. "Not that Kyle doesn't constantly  talk about you and having a family. I tell ya... between the band and him being engaged, I think he could talk non-stop, twenty-four/seven and still be alert for the wedding." 

It was pretty close to the truth. The band had been able to play at several local concerts and next week would travel out of state for three bigger shows before coming back again. Things were going well, and all the while, Kyle was his normal hyper self - although with a new twinkle to his eye. It was obvious to everyone that he was excited about marrying Alice and no one could have any doubt of him being head over heels in love. It was the source of a lot of teasing, but Kyle never minded, able to dish out just as much teasing back at them. It was all in good fun though - everyone was excited for them.

Twila had enjoyed becoming closer friends with Alice. Coming over to her apartment today was a treat and she was glad to be sharing in the wedding plans and ideas. It wasn't something she'd done a lot of, but it was fun to her and she was happy to help if she could. 

"I heard him telling Theo that he hadn't set on a date with you yet because he wanted to make sure we were out on the road. I think he's been talking with Wayne and Jackie, trying to pin them down to a more solid schedule...which... I'm sure you already know." She laughs, flipping a page in the book while still thinking. "You guys still wanting to have the wedding on the grounds of your guys' house?"

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