

Happy to hear that Leo would bring flyer to the stop with him was a big help on its own. Trying to get out there all she could was an important thing and having a place like the auto shop having flowers were traffic was always coming in and out was great.

Thinking for a moment Cassy plays with a twist tie in her hand she had found laying on the counter inside. She was trying to decided if she wanted to ask or not feeling slightly silly, even though she didn't know why.

"No I think I'll let you have to day off tomorrow."

Cassy's lips turn up in a smile.

"Maybe...would you like to see a movie tomorrow?"

Helping Ty bring some of her stuff inside she only grabs whats really important. Personal items, cloths and a few books to read. Tucking them onto of the corners of his room so they would be out of the way.

"Yeah I will probably just spend the whole in here or reading. I'll feel strange if I sat out with Wyatt."

She'd probably stay hidden for more than one reason. She didn't feel like to many people seeing her like this anyways. Keeping to herself and even maybe the quiet would be good. Though she did wish Ty didn't have to go.

"Your bed does look comfy too. I'll probley sack out again."

Just eyeing Ty's room this was the first time she has seen it and she was just taking everything in. She liked it, though it was a boys from her own hadn't been to girly.

"What time do you have to leave?"

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