
Jog Memorie!

Working quietly with Axel Ryan picks up on his body language and just the demeanor he held today. There was something wrong just how Axel was acting was far from normal for him. But staying quit Ryan continues to work till finally Axel wants to quit.

Standing up she just studys him for a moment before finally giving a nod. She felt bad not know what was wrong and wished she could but it was Axel and he always kept it to himself.

"Yeah not a problem, I'll see you tomorrow. If you need anything Axel, just call."

She new he wouldn't but it was worth saying it anyways just in case one day he really needed someone to talk too.

Another smile spreads across Anastasia's lips. Seeing Quinn go back to the Ricky Nelson record she gives another little chuckle. Finishing his humor and wit a tiny bit interesting. Seeing him go to the counter Anastasia moves away from where the records were and goes to the counter ring him up.

"Mmmm...I can't quite remember the directions. Maybe if I new your name it would jog my memorie now how to get there."

Leaning on the counter a little bit with the bag Anastasia's eyes twinkle with a humor in them as she search Quinn's face. His eyes seemed so deep it was hard to over look them. They were deep luring pools that just seemed to draw someone in.

Beth couldn't help the warm feeling she felt inside. It was different but nice, it just seemed to warm everything inside and give her a little tingle. Being around Justin was nice, and it was a great feeling to think about having a friend. Beth had been alone for a long time she never realized how lonely it was till now.

Hearing Justin had to leave for the night Beth finishs up in the kitchen bring a small container back into the living room with it.

"It is kind of getting late. I didn't even realize what time it was. I back up some left overs for you though so you can enjoy it tomorrow."

Beth gives a smile handing it to him a little proud of herself knowing she'd made it through the night without panicking or anything. She had a nice time tonight and enjoyed herself. She was happy Justin had come out. Her nerves seemed to be disappearing slowly as well.

"We will have to do this again sometime. I....had a nice time."

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