

Giving his own little chuckle Trey raises his glass and clinks it against her's. His eyes giving a new twinkle. Maybe things would be ok, and would work out. This was a new start so now...anything was possible and he was able to write the pages.

   "To new starts, new relationships, and the many new chapters we get to write."

Finishing with there food the laughter seemed to come a little easier and making jokes and just enjoying themselves was nice. Trey was happy that now everything was out in the open, and he could just be himself with her. To him that was important.

   "Weakness huh? Good to know, good to know."

As Ariel pushes the plat closer to himself and takes a fork full of the dessert. Savoring the taste for a long moment. Finally looking back at Ariel he gives a nod before taking another bit and eating that one as well, before moving the plate back into the middle for both of them.

   "Wow, that is amazing. Better take what you can, while you can before I eat it all."

Letting out a long breath and heading out of the bunk with Rosalyn Chad couldn't help but be a little nervous himself about her dad. He new an angry father was never any fun and he hoped maybe if he could just talk to him, see he really cared for Rosalyn he would be ok.

Keeping his hand locked with Rosalyn's as Jim comes over Chad can't help the cringe inside he felt when met with that glare. Maybe this wouldn't be so easy after all. About to greet Jim Chad stops short met with his angry words. Just staying quirt for a moment Chad listens but when words of hate were being slung in his direction and the direction of someone he cared about it was hard to stay quiet.

   "Rosalyn is not making a fool of herself, or doing anything else wrong for that matter, having feelings for someone is not wrong as long as you act in the right manor and we have been"

Falling silent again Chad just lets the yelling match continue. There was so much more he wanted to say, and seeing Rosalyn so upset made it even worse. Hearing Mick's voice Chad was happy he stepped in. At this moment he had a straighter head than himself and the last thing he wanted to do was say something he regreted.

Wrapping his arm around Rosalyn's wast Chad pulls her a little bit closer to himself as Jim starts to walk away. Looking to Mick he gives a small nod of thanks. At least for now there would be no more yelling and everyone could calm down a little bit.

   "Yeah, I think dinner in town would be nice...maybe see a movie as well. Thank you Mick."

Chad had no problem complying to Mick's request. He had respect for him, because Mick himself had respect for Chad. On top of that as well he wanted to make this easy on Rosalyn though he new no matter what now it was going to be hard. But they were in this together form here on out and he wasn't going to back away.

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