

Despite the ironic humor of Adison's question, Kirk didn't crack a smile. He just looked at her with the same seriousness he'd worn all evening. "That's what I was afraid of." 

He sighed and leaned back in his chair, still studying her. "I don't like the thought of you going to war, you know. I know you can handle yourself, but I..." He dropped his gaze. "I worry about you." To distract his thoughts, he reached for his water to take another sip. It was a long, quiet while before he finally looked back up at her again. It was time she knew the truth. 

"What I'm about to tell you is currently classified. It won't be in the near future, but until the information is released, it's important that you speak to no one about this." He was more serious than normal. Sober. Concerned. Worried? "I told you that I was being transferred, and that's the truth. But I'm not transferring to another branch of the FBI. I'm transferring to the Elite, and it's my job to help restructure the organization." He paused, letting that sink in. "I've also been given my choice of two more agents to come with me. The powers that be want at least three FBI agents working within the Elite to keep tabs on how things are run. I...may have put up quite an argument in the courtroom the other day. As a result, I was put in charge of this endeavor, and I haven't quite figured out whether it's a punishment or an honor." 

He folded his hands on the table and looked Adison in the eye. "That's the short version. I...asked you how you felt about the Agency because...you're on my list of agents I'm considering taking with me." He stopped again as his eyes searched hers. "Selfishly... aside from you being a dang good agent... I want you with me because I can't imagine not having you as my partner." He swallowed hard. "But I don't like the thought of you being a new target for the Agency. So it's going to have to be up to you."

Axel sighed but nodded. He knew Jess was right. Everything would turn out alright. Maybe not the way he'd planned or how he wanted it, but it would be okay. It had to be.

Shifting his head a little, he kissed the side of her neck softly, moving up to her cheek, then around to her lips, letting his own linger there for a few moments. Pulling back, he smiled, his eyes twinkling. "Maybe staying here was a better idea after all." Moving back in for another kiss, he just enjoyed the moment, not really caring about the movie she'd put in, or the ice cream they were going to have. If he couldn't take her to the lake, at least he'd show her how appreciative he was of her willingness to bear with him through the good and bad times. 

In reality, he did have a few moments to ignore everything else, but shifting just the wrong way, he accidentally put weight on his hand, which sent pain shooting through his palm, fingers, and all the way up his arm. Recoiling sharply, he just leaned his head back on the couch, his face contorted in pain as he sucked in a breath. "Okay so maybe you're going to have to come to me," he tried to tease. 

Grateful for Nate's little intervention, Garret tried to focus back on the meal and ignore all the memories that had just come to mind. All of them brought pain, and it was just as well if he didn't have to think about them. 

The offer to go to the office halted his thoughts yet again, as he scraped his plate clean. If he went back to the office, would they make him stay? What if Reese wanted him there and wouldn't let him come back here? He'd wanted to go back to the Elite earlier but...now he wasn't so sure. He didn't know what he wanted anymore, which was almost worse than having a bad plan. "I don't know," he finally replied. "I guess I'll...see how I feel tomorrow." Physically he would probably be better. But mentally? At the moment, he felt incredibly out of sync. 

Seeing his clean plate, Laura smiled. "Garret, would you like seconds?"

He thought for a moment and bit the inside of his lip. It did taste awfully good. Finally he nodded and held out his plate. "Thank you." 

The rest of supper was fairly quiet, and once it was over, the living room was the normal place to sit for the evening. Laura convinced Garret to join them since they'd be having ice cream soon anyway, so he took up one corner of the couch, awkwardly observing how they functioned. It was strange...how they liked just...sitting here. Talking. The television was turned on, but no one really paid that much attention. Brian took most of Laura's concentration until she took him upstairs to put him to bed. It was just...quiet. Peaceful but confusing. 

Then the ice cream. Garret wouldn't admit to anyone that he'd waited all day for this. Remaining in the corner of the couch, he held his bowl of plain chocolate ice cream, eating it more slowly than any of the others, savoring every bite. It was worth staying up for. 

Laura slipped glances in Garret's direction before catching Nate's eye and smiling. Had they finally found something their guest enjoyed? "You want to play a game with Maggie tonight?" she asked quietly. They still had plenty of time before bed, and it would give them something to do as a family.


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