

Eli didn't usually keep his phone on him at work, but today he had, hoping he'd hear from Ryan about Tal. His friend's lack of communication this morning was a bit worrisome, though Eli figured there must be a good explanation.

Feeling his pocket vibrating, he sets down his tools and answers it quickly, covering his other ear to keep out the loud sounds of the shop. "Yeah? Ryan? What's up?"

Hearing her tone, a chill runs down Eli's spine. She was angry, and he could tell. But why would she want to kill Alec? And why did she want Tal to go to TJY? It didn't make any sense. Unless...
His heart skips a beat. Had Alec done something to Tal? There were too many questions to ask over the phone.

"Okay, I'm on my way. Sit tight and don't do anything stupid, whatever you do." He still had no clue what was going on, but he knew his sister - the same blood that flowed through his veins flowed through her too, and once a McKade was angry, it was awfully hard to keep a lid on it.

Heading out of the garage, he clocks out immediately, still talking on his phone. "I'm leaving right now. Be there in ten minutes."

....Arriving on his bike, Eli is quick to dismount and head to Tal's apartment. He doesn't bother knocking. Getting inside, it only takes one sweeping glance to notice Tal lying on the couch. And even from here, it was obvious that he was in bad shape.

"Have mercy..." Eli approaches quickly, taking a knee next to the couch. "Holy cow, Tal... what bus ran you over?"

Tal pries open his eye enough to give Eli a withering look. "Funny."

"No it's not." Eli removes the cloth Tal had been holding and forces Tal to turn his face for Eli to see. "You need help."


Eli gets to his feet and gives Ryan a look that was angry, worried and determined all in one. Looking back at Tal, he sets his hands on his hips. "You're in no shape to argue. Even if you try, all I gotta do is pick you up and carry you and there's nothing you can do about it. So get up, get whatever you need and we're going to the Elite infirmary."

Grabbing Ryan's arm, he drags her into the hallway, leaving Tal to make up his mind. "Alec did that?" he hisses. "Why?"

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