
Know what I mean?

Con straightens and looks down at Jamie so he can catch everything she was saying. "Yeah... yeah, I think she'll be okay. Not sure Ty's thinking straight at the moment... he's in a little deeper than I thought he was but... he cares about her and I guess that's what she needs right now."

Reaching down, he runs a finger along Jamie's face. "I guess it doesn't have to be an Elite case to twist my gut. Kinda made me think of you today and made me all the more glad I've got you here."

Alec is still propped up in bed, his eyes roaming the room as Ryan walks in. Her question brings a silly grin to his face. "Me? Psh... I don't cause trouble, I AM trouble."

He gestures to his wrapped ankle. "Learned today that dogs have sharp teeth. Well... I already knew that, but I don't talk about it. Rick here has been a pain all afternoon though, lemme tell you. After he got he in here, it's been torture. All I wanna do is get out of here but noooo, I gotta stay here again. Hurts to walk though, so I guess it's okay. 'Course Reese hasn't gotten to me yet so I still don't know if he's mad about me spending the night with you. Not that it's any of his business or anyone else's. Though he should know everything's cool since I wasn't dead this morning and your brother isn't in jail. You know though, once I thought about it, it woulda been real easy to-"

"Alec!" Rick spins around with his hands on his hips. "Do you ever stop? Good gracious, man. Remind me never to give you those meds again."

"Why? I feel fine." Alec's eyebrows rise. "I feel so good I could-"

"Shush!" Rick looks to Ryan helplessly. "I'm leaving. Keep him under control, will you?"

"Ha!" Alec throws up his arms. "She's tried. Don't work. Unless I'm staying at her place, then everything is kept under control. And I mean - under control, know what I mean?"

Rick rolls his eyes. "I don't want to know, Alec. Just... I'm leaving. I'll be back in a while."

Alec waves as Rick exits the room, then swings his gaze back to Ryan. "Miss me?"

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