

Gathering the pictures up and closing the folder Angelica didn't want to look at them anymore. Even if there was something odd there it made her stomach churn and she didn't like it. To see Carson fall so far away Agency or not it sent a pang to her heart and hurt.

   "Do you really think he would of left Misty for another reason besides the Agency? I mean you never know what happens behind close doors...."

Angelica cocks her head and looks up at Reese again for a long moment. It'd hard to believe anyone would leave Misty though. She'd been so kind and loving, they way she acted with Carson you could tell how in love her was and how much she enjoyed being his wife. She'd been content.

   "...But I just don't see that. Misty just seems so loving and caring. This whole thing just leave me confused. I keep searching for a good answer but all I come up with it just because."

Giving a laugh Misty trys to hid it but just can't. Seeing Jason's cheeks go red it was way to cute and unusual for her to pass up the moment for a chuckle. Seeing Rick point at Jason though and than look at her talking about him coming to get his blood tested tomorrow Misty gives a nod.

   "Roger, I'll drag him in here if I have too."

Looking back to Jason and giving his arm a whack Misty goes back to her chair and sits down. Though her cheeks were red Misty didn't mind much. With Jason things where different, softer, but at the same time satisfying and she liked it.

Making sure Rick was back at the counter Misty leans forward to Jason a little bit as a grin forms on her face. Keeping her voice low Misty didn't want Rick to hear to much and yell at her for being a bad influence on Jason.

   "So, ice cream, my place, tonight, movie?"

Giving Jeff's arm a little pat Rosetta smiles. Holding out her own arm she lefts him link it with hers as they exit the bunk house. Rosetta didn't mind helping Jeff, she new he'd over done it today but it had been for a good reason and she couldn't be mad.

   "We are definitely not elderly but I will help you to the mess hall anyways. After all I'd hate to have you fight with the ground."

Walking slowly across the yard Rosetta didn't mind. She liked just enjoying the time outside, and the light chat with Jeff. It was nice and she was in no hurry. Tonight's dinner was a good one but it would be waiting there. Time spent with her brother was nice even if it was just a little walk.

Finally getting to the mess hall and getting inside and settled Rosetta sits across from Jeff and next to Mick with BJ on her other side. The food was good, the company was good what more could one really ask for. 

Just watching Jeff though she could see how tired he still was and she felt badly for him. She new it was hard to go day in and day out always being tired. It wasn't till you slowed down that, that feeling went away.

   "Any word on how Hunter is?"

Sitting down on the bed next to Hunter Katie props one of the pillows up against the wall and leans on it. Hearing about how sore he was but how much more sore tomorrow would bring she gives a nod. She new for a fact that was true. The second day was always the worse because your muscles would have time to relax and the pain kicked in double time.

   "It might have been a rough trip but you did it with grace, lets just never do it again ok?"

Giving a smile and leaning her head on his shoulder for a moment Katie just wanted to see Hunter smile. Her joke had been lame but maybe in a way thats how she was trying to deal with it herself. Not that she thought what happened was funny, she just didn't want to think about how she'd almost lost Hunter.

Finally taking a big of her burger a small murmur slips out. She always loved burgers on the grill and could never tire of them. If she could eat them twenty four seven she just might.

   "Man oh Man, the guys out did themselves again with the grill."

Leaning her head back Katie gives a smile and just savers her food. Hearing Hunter's thanks though she looks back to him and smiles. How could she not come and sit with him? She'd be bored other wise and it would make her a horrible person to come, drop off the food and leave.

   "You're welcome Hunter. I get something out of this too though. I get to spend more time with you."


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