
Growing Boy

Completely lost in thought, Hunter is a bit startled by Katie's sudden entrance. A small smile quickly forms though, and he pulls himself up in bed to sit. "Wow...now this is what I call service." Smelling the hamburgers, his stomach then growls, announcing he was hungrier than he'd thought, after not having had lunch. 

"Mm, yeah... I'm pretty sore all over at the moment." He rubs his shoulder gingerly. "I think maybe it was a rougher trip down that bank than I'd thought." He knew though, that no matter how sore he was now, tomorrow was going to be worse, and the day after. The second day after an incident was always the worst for some reason. But... he wasn't going to complain.

Moving over on the bed, he makes room for Katie to sit too, and accepts the plate, setting it on his lap. He'd spent enough meals with her that by now he was used to her praying beforehand, so it didn't bother him when tonight was no different. This time though... it felt... different, as a little tug came to his heart. He pushes it aside for now though. 

Taking a bite of his hamburger, he murmurs his content. "This hits the spot." He gives Katie a sidelong glance before nudging her with his elbow. "Thanks... for coming to eat with me." 

It isn't until his shoulder is touched that Jeff finally starts to stir. Opening his eyes slowly, he looks around groggily before focusing on Rosetta and realizing she'd been talking about supper. 

Yawning and stretching he legs, he gives her a sleepy nod. "Mm-hmm." Sighing, he relaxes again but eventually forces himself to sit up, running a hand over his face. "Thank you," he mumbles. He hadn't realized just how tired he'd been. He really had intended on getting himself up for supper, but it looked like his body had other ideas. 

Blinking his eyes a few times, he finally looks up at his sister more clearly. "Sorry. I should've set my alarm." Finally fully awake, he pulls on his boots. Standing, he wobbles just a little, only now feeling a bit dizzy. Reaching out to Rosetta's shoulder, he steadies himself before rolling his eyes and throwing her a slight wry grin. "Melady, would you kindly escort this elderly gentleman to the dining room so he avoids a most painful meeting with the hard ground?"

"What what?" Jason looks down and sucks in his already-lean abdomen. "I have an excuse too... I'm just a growing boy, see. Besides, if I get pudgy, it's your fault for eating so many meals with me. Otherwise I'd skip and stay skinny. So I can handle watching you eat ice cream."

Watching Misty come closer, he grins, accepting her soft kiss to his lips before chuckling. "Yes... yes, I did know pregnant women can be moody. But what I didn't know was that you weren't moody before..." 

A firm whack with some papers to his head makes him cringe, his eyes going wide. Turning to look up at Rick, he rubs his head. "What was that for?" 

"For insulting the lady, for starters." Rick smirks at him. He needn't act surprised about seeing the kiss either - he'd seen these two kiss more than once, and had put the pieces together himself. He'd said nothing though, just letting them be. "And second, for not seeing me before you ate lunch like you were supposed to. Did I not tell you I wanted to test your blood sugar?"

"Um... Yeah, I guess maybe you did." Jason crunches on another potato chip. "Sorry." 

"Sorry... sorry..." Rick sighs. Looking to Misty, his finger points at Jason. "Tomorrow, I want this boy's blood tested, even if you have to tie him down to do it."

Jason's eyebrows quirk and he shrugs. "That might not be so-"

"On second thought, just don't let him eat until I've seen him, okay?" 

Jason stifles a laugh, giving Rick a wide smile. "Relax, Doc... you'll give yourself an ulcer." 

Rick rolls his eyes. "Tomorrow. Before lunch. And in the meantime, go expend some of that energy of yours... on a punching bag or something." He rolls up his papers and gives Jason's arm a whack for good measure before heading back over to the counter. 

Jason's cheeks were a bit flushed as he glances up at Misty again. He didn't know why it was so easy - too easy - to openly flirt with her around. Maybe it was because she did the same thing. Whatever the cause, he was finding himself in need of controlling his tongue much more often than he'd used to. Clearing his throat, he swivels his chair back around again to eat another chip, setting an elbow on the desk and hiding his red face.

"I don't know..." Reese shakes his head and leans on Angelica's desk, still staring at the photos. "Maybe when you're like them and you only do things like this for one reason, and you've done it so many times before, there just is no emotion." 

He shakes his head. "But I've seen Carson's emotions with Misty... I can't see him leaving her for such a cold relationship. Cheating on her, yes, but leaving her? For this?" He gestures to one picture in particular where both Carson and Jaz seemed to be in bad moods, according to their facial expressions. 

Reese sighs and straightens up to pace in a small circle. "Why, then? Aside from Carson's obvious lack of physical control when it comes to women. Obviously it's not love. Is it really the Agency like we're afraid of? Jaz is an ex-agent too. Do you think they would have hooked up again to return to working for the Agency?" 

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