

Sunshine. Maybe Garret knew just a little about that. Victoria had always seemed to brighten things up when he was around her. Aside from that though...there had never been anything that made Garret feel good about life.

Realizing they had to go back inside, he sighed and took one last look at the sky. It had been nice while it lasted. Maybe since he hadn't tries to pull any stunts, Reese would let him out again soon. He could only hope.

Back across the main floor, his eyes once more gazed upon the small force that had been such a giant foe as of late. It really was impressive they'd managed to be such a thorn in the Agency's side with as few people as they had. Maybe Garret wasn't quite impressed, but it was close.

Being released from his cuffs, he flexed his hands. There were several moments he could have taken advantage of and gotten past Nate, but he stayed put in his mini prison. Ready to be left alone again, he was surprised when Nate lingered to continue their strange conversation.

Garret cocked his head, unsure of the unfamiliar feelings that were trying to surface. He wasn't even sure what they were. Nate's final comment though brought out a chuckle. He truly hadn't been ready for that one. "I'm not sure I've ever been called anything but a bad guy. At least not since I was just a kid." A painful memory flashed through his mind, but he pushed it aside.

"But fear is something I learned to give up just as long ago. This all may be new, and seemingly pointless, but I can assimilate...just like I have time and time and time again."

For one if the first times, he gave up his authoritative stance and sank down in the cot while Nate was still there. His eyes suddenly gained a faraway look. "You're right about the freedom though. That's all I want.... To just... Be free." Free to be with the woman he loved. Free to make his own decisions. Free to live whatever life he chose. But was it even realistically possible?

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