

Garret's eyes studied Nate for several long moments as he talked, trying to figure him out. It wasn't as easy as hoped, though. There was something odd about the people around here. Something he couldn't put his finger on.

He glanced down at his shackles and smirked a little. Yeah, he couldn't run far, that was for sure. But maybe he should take advantage of the permission he was granted anyway. Nate's bit of humor made him look up once more, as the same strange feeling returned. What was funny about the possibility of being shot for negligence?

Without responding, Garret moved slowly away from the building, forced to take his time with small steps. But anything was better than that holding cell. He didn't wander too far - just far enough to be out of reach of the building's shadow. Again, he assumed the same pose, closing his eyes and just soaking up the sun. If he tried hard enough, he could almost imagine he wasn't in handcuffs. There were no walls with guards here. No secrecy of location. No threat to those working here. He had to become a part of this. He'd never survive prison. 

Suddenly hearing voices, he turned his gaze to the parking lot where Pete and Gunner were heading out. On the way to their vehicles though, they were goofing off, laughing and shoving each other around. Garret couldn't hear what they were saying, but it was obvious they were having fun. Once they were gone, Garret made his way back over to Nate, his head cocked in question. He was too curious not to ask. When in foreign territory, one had to learn the customs.

"What is it with you people here?" He shook his head. "You're all so...relaxed." He'd honestly expected a more tightly run operation. "I mean, Reese is rather intense, but everybody else...not so much. Don't you take your jobs seriously?"

Aaron quirked an eyebrow at Victoria before he shook his head and stood to put his gun away. "Why should I waste my breath offering up any ideas? I could have the greatest scheme in the world, and you'd ignore it, just for spite."

He sat again to take off his boots and propped himself up in his own bed against the pillows, with one leg hanging off the side. Though his eyes were on the television for several silent minutes, his mind was still hard at work. 

"We don't even know for sure if Garret is here," he finally spoke. "And I wouldn't just waltz in - that would cause too much suspicion. So if I were you, and I wasn't gonna ignore every word that came out of my mouth, I'd stake out the headquarters for a day and use that equipment of ours to listen in on what's happening inside. If I found out for sure that he's here, I'd go the route of causing a disturbance." He shrugged. "If they're holding him, and you get in trouble, chances are they'll put you in close proximity to him. Not to mention, there's no point in telling them who you are if you don't have to. Just my two cents though."

Eli forced himself to stay seated as the doctor approached, lest there be news as bad as he feared. Hearing about Ryan's injuries, he was relieved and still worried at the same time. But listening to how the accident had happened was what made his heart stop. Amanda's question didn't even register at first, and he shook his head. "No. I mean, yeah, or..." He leaned forward and rubbed his hands over his face. Could Ryan really have done this on purpose? This was his baby sister they were talking about. He knew she'd been down, and obviously denying reality, but suicidal? That thought alone sent such a pain to his heart, he had to suck in his breath just to stay in control.

Realizing he'd left the doctor hanging, he lifted his face and shook his head again. "I don't know. She was upset earlier and seemed confused." His mind reeled as he tried to think of any signs he might have missed. "A friend died recently and she was depressed but..." He eyed Amanda with a gaze filled with emotions. "I never would have thought she'd..." He couldn't even say it. "Can I see her?"

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