

As JT comes back into the room Bree shifts her weight a little bit rolling back over so she could look at him. Hearing Hope was here didn't bother Bree much. She once heard Gunner talk about her, and Scott too. He'd often sheared the story's of his friends with her when they were alone.

But the next bit of new about Gunner being in jail send a gut wrenching look through Bree's eyes. Pain, sorrow, this was her fault her was there. If she hadn't....if they hadn't fallen...for one another he never would of tryed to get her out. To think he was in such a horrible place was worse than her own pain.

"Normal...I'll never be normal. He's there because of me."

Slowly Bree sits up swinging her feet to the edge of the bed and placing them on the cool ground. Holding the blanket close to her noise for a moment taking a long sniff of what was left of Gunner's smell on the blanket.. Putting the blanket down Bree reaches down to pull her socks on her feet. Not looking back up at JT her voice was soft, and lacked the lift it once held.

"Can I go outside now and get some fresh air?"

Giving a slight sigh Ryan just lays on her back for a long moment looking up at the shop ceiling holding the wrench in her hand. She had her own theories, but she didn't like to think about them. Not to mention to think Leo would even be capable of doing any of them. Giving a quick look to her brother Ryan pushs herself under the car again before anyone could notice the look in her eye.

"I guess he's just been busy. I know he was talking about taking some college class. Maybe thats it."

Ryan didn't really think that because she knows he would of told her, but it sounded better than admitting her other options. Anyways Leo, Eli, and herself would be going out one night at least she would see him than. Chating the topic before more could be said Ryan inquires as she makes some loud banging.

"So what do we have lined up to work on tonight?"

Sitting at her desk back at TJY Angelica lets out a long sigh talking with her partner on the other end.

"Yeah, just send everything you got David. Over night FedEx it to me here at the Elite headquarters."

Leaning back in her chair Angelica runs a hand over her face. She had made a promise to Gunner, there was no way she would go back on it.

"No..no you don't need to come out.Not yet anyways. Just send me what you got, and I will see what I can do. Be on call for me though ok? I might end up needing you."

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