
Food Fight

Looking over at Carson, Misty gives a smile. His comment was nice and it made her feel good with all that was going on. Looking back to the pot and string the content she had fallen silent for a long moment. She wondered if a change of pace would be good for her. Spent a little less time at home because honestly...she hated it there. 

   "Well if you need more help...I...I could help out. You wouldn't have to pay me like the girls, so that wont take hours from them but I could help maybe help out prepping things, or cooking stuff with you."

Her apartment reminded her of so many things. Things she'd rather not remember, it was hard being there alone. Maybe things would get better, maybe she'd like it there again soon, but for now not being there a little less could be a good thing. Not to mention a little more time with Carson could help mend things.

Dalton nods to Scott letting him take the lead. He was close behind Scott as they walked to Nate's desk. Glancing around the floor to make sure Garret wasn't close buy. He just wanted to make sure they were safe to talk with Nate at the moment.

Nate looks up at Dalton and Scott as they come over to his desk, question was in his eye again. These two were acting pretty strange. He gave them a smile but hearing what they were talking about his smile faded a little. Garret had been on Susann's computer? 

Letting out a sigh Nate runs a hand over his face, With everything going on the last thing they needed was for Agent Young to find out about this. He's start flinging accusations about a trader, and how they were all doing it. 

   "Thank you for telling me...."

Looking to Scott Nate takes note to the look of fear on his face as he goes over Scott's words again and resizes what was going on in his mind. He didn't want to tell Scott everything but he needed to tell him something to calm his fears.

   "Garret and I are investigating people are Brookshire. We think there is an Agency person who has been in the building since you were there Scott and that's why they went after Justin, and Beth sister was killed. I promise he is not trying to hurt you Scott."

   "So he was aloud to be on the computer?"

Dalton looks down at Nate standing behind Scott still. Well at least Garret wasn't trying to hurt Scott that made him feel a little better but only a little.

   "No, but I would assume he was trying to figure out what was going on that way. I'll talk to him though and let him now he cant do that. Thank you both of you for always being on top of things. We'd be lost without you both."

   "Drink got it...just tell me when and I'll pull over to get one."

Chad smiles again giving a side long glance to Rosalyn. It would be a long drive, but as long as Roslyn was doing ok he'd just drive straight though like he always did. He just liked getting home and he didn't mind the drive much.

   "Yes, half the season April stays at the house with us. She should be there now for a few more months. So you wont be the only girl, and than it will be my brother and me. I think they will both like having someone new at the house and April will be thrilled to have another girl around."

He gave a sidelong glance and smiled. It would be an adjustment for everyone but he new they would get along and everything would be ok. They were all good like that will good personality. 

   "I was thinking of taking a few more days off of work so I can show you around a little bit. I figured too, when I do work I'll even let you use my jeep so you can explore if you wanted. "

Wendy give a nod. She new it must be hard for Travis. So many people, completely new area, and how he got here...well...that alone must have been a hard thing to swallow. She felt bad for him, but in a way she was happy he was here too. 

   "Well if you even need anything you can ask Clint or I any time and we can try to help."

As the baby starts to cry Wendy excuses herself and heads to the sitting room rocking the baby gently. At least she had been able to talk to her cousin a little bit. Hopefully there would be more time later to get to know him.

   "Dylan is a good kid he's just...quiet and like to keep to himself. "

Ashlee added. She felt bad for him honestly. He was always alone and one could only guess he liked it that way. It still made her sad though. She always tried to interact with him and sometimes it went well, sometimes it didn't. It was just hard to tell.

As the grape lands on her plate Ashlee brings herself back in her train of though and looks at Travis. Seeing his look she couldnt help but bust out laughing, maybe a little harder than she should. It struck her funny bone though.

   "Are you trying to start a food fight?"

Taking the grape she throws it back at Travis along with a slice of her lettuce. Laughing erupting. He had a good sense of humor, good head on his shoulders and she loved listing to him talk. She couldn't put her finger on why, but she enjoyed having him around.  

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