

Dalton looked to Nate and than back to where Scott was walking off and than back to Nate. He new his friend was upset. How could he not be. With everything going on He new his friend would worried and he had ever right.

   "Thanks Nate. This whole thing along with Kirk walking with Scott has him shook up. I appreciate your time."

Tapping the top of the cubical wall Dalton turns and heads for there office. Seeing Scott slip into Hope's office he gives a little smile. He was happy to see he had where there, maybe to talk to her, or maybe just be there. Either way Dalton was happy he did. He new Hope was good for Scott, and still loved him very much.

Hearing the knock on the door Hope looks up. Seeing Scott half in, half  our she smiles. It had been a few days since she had seen him. It felt good to see him now. To her he was a breath of fresh air. See the worn look on his face Hope was a little worried. He was here though, and if something was wrong there would be no better place.

   "Of course you can. You can sit anywhere you'd like. I'm just trying to finish up some paper work. Nothing super important."

Looking down again Hope continues with her work but glaces up to see if Scott did come in. If he wanted to talk she would be there for him. She'd let it be on his own terms though. Hope never wanted to push it, not with Scott.

Standing in the doorway for a long moment Nate just watched Garret. He new he was only trying to help. But hew new too with everything going on they were already walking a thin line. He just didn't want anyone else getting in trouble.

   "You know Reese would kill you if he found out you were on a computer without they ok right? And than Kirk will kill us all."

Walking in more Nate just continues to watch Garret. What endurance he had and he can only guess its from being in the Agency. If only all of them could have that how it would make some stuff easier. Crossing his arms he lets out a small sigh. He didn't know was going to be angry or not.

   "I know you were only trying to find more information, its just...next time let me know so if I have to cover for you I can. We are all walking a fine line with the FBI being here. I'd rather know whats going on and be upset, than not know anything and have it blow up in our faces. ok?"

Leaning back in her chair at work and chewing on the end of a pen Adison was somewhere between writing up a case report, and what she was going to do when she got off work. As her phone goes off though she jumps out of a her dream and looks around. Lucky not many people were here still and saw her. Seeing Kirk's text she smiles and shook her head.

To Kirk:
 With all this paperwork I have to do? Are you crazy? Of all
the irresponsible things... Coffee sounds good. 
Meet around the corner from work?

Getting hit in the face with a fry and than hearing Travis egg Clint on more she can't help her laughter. This was the most fun they had, had in a while. Specially after everything that had been going on.

   "Sure sure...wife leaves Clint and than you act a fool."

Taking an onion that was on her plate she tosses it a Clint and her eyes widen as it lands and get stuck in Clint's hair. That was a perfect shot she had no planned. Looking to Travis she grins before elbowing his arm softly remembering he was still healing.

Looking across on of the other tables and watching the antics of the group Angel shakes her head laughing herself. It was good to see them all having a good time, smiling, and even laughing, She sure wished Dylan would join in. 

   "Lane it looks like Travis is fitting in just find around here. That makes me happy, I think this is good for him."

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