
Pearcing eyes

Even though listing to Eric Stacy's ears still pick up on the sound that was coming from the bushes. It was footsteps, not coming fast, but taking there time not to make to much noise. About to draw her gun Stacy stops as Eric steps in front of her. Raising an eyebrow she found humor in the face that Eric had stepped in front of her but at the same time she was honored that he would put himself in front of her to protect her.

   "I am, but it was still nice knowing you wanted to protect me. Thank you."

Stacy whispers as she draws her gun. Holding it to her side she wouldn't point it at anything she couldn't see. For all she new it could be a guest or even a ranch hand though everyone should be in bed by now. She was quick so if it was danger she could draw fast enough to stop them.

   "Who's there? You better show yourself. This is privet property and you are trespassing. Show yourself and you can go with a warning."

Getting Hunter's text Katie laughs and shakes her head. Him never get into trouble yeah right. Some how she didn't believe than and it worried her leaving him behind but he was grown and new how to take care of himself. There was nothing more she could do.

And once again the hands of time spined and before anyone new it a few days had past.

Sitting along in the dinning hall Katie just looks out the window a warm cup of coffee in her hands. It was a dreary day out and it seemed to match Katie's mood. No one was awake yet that she new of but sleep just didn't want to find her again after she had woken. It felt strange being back here again after so long but this would always be her home. She was happy Rosetta and Mick had welcomed her back and seeing how big BJ had gotten she was glad. The only thing she'd miss was her dad. She had heard he was out of town right and she honestly couldn't wait till he was back. If there was one thing she new for sure....one emotion she new it was how much she missed her father.

Feeling something brush her leg Katie looks down at a big white fluffy puff ball. Last time she had checked there were no new cats at the ranch other than the barn cats but this one she had never seen before let alone seen inside.

   "Hey there...where did you come from huh?"

Picking up the soft cat Katie sets it in her lap and hears an instant purr. It brings a smile to her face as she continues to pet her. Her fur was so soft, and her had piercing blue eyes. Katie still couldn't help but wonder where she came from. But once everyone awoke she would ask. This kitty was far to cute to turn away and for a moment...Kate's dull mood and depression was forgotten in the soft touch of the cats fur.

Hearing Rick's voice Misty gives a smile looking up at him. Before he even said anything the look on his face gave it away that she was in fact going to have a child. Her smile grows as her excitement bubbles over. She'd never told anyone but she had always wanted to be a mother...at least to one child. but at the same there was a bit of worry too. Carson never wanted any kids so how would he accept this news? 

Misty new she had to tell him. It was his right to know and sooner or later she was going to start to show even more and more and he would know something was up. She had to tell him, but she wanted to wait for a good time.

   "Thank you Rick for doing this for me."

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