

Misty can't help but laugh at Jason's comment. What turned out as a joke had caught on and now that it had Misty could really see it happening and would make sure of it. There was just a nice ring to it and knowing Jason would be there made her feel good. At least the baby would have some males in his life to replace there father even if it was only as uncles.

  "Uncle Jase, alright...I think I can handle that one."

Leaning back and taking a sip of her iced tea Misty can't help but continue smile. In the last few days it had been the most she had. Jason provided a good detraction and Misty was really thankful for that. It was what she needed now.

   "Huh...I'm gonna have to go pay Phil a visit and check some stuff out there. Maybe it will give me a spark for my own creation. Though...that could be dangerous."

   "Well she worrys dad because its her job and she is looking out for you. So before you snap on her maybe you should remember that?!"

Katie wasn's angry with her dad nore was she giving him attitude she was just reminding him that it was Angel's job and she had a right to be that way. No one wanted to see Jeff hurt and if he didn't slow down like the dr ordered he'd end up finding himself in a hospital again.

For now though Katie says nothing about it. The last thing she wanted to do was rune there good time. She was getting this moment, this day to spend with her father to spoil it before it started would be a shame. So no more now would be said even if she was slightly worried.

   "I think the foothills sounds great. There is a nice view out there too. Sitting and eating there would be great not to mention being hungry at that point is a good thing."

Hearing a beep on her home laptop Hope take a moment from some of the paper work she was writing up to open her email. Seeing Scott's note and reading is a smile crosses her face. A small tear finding its way to escape from her eye. He'd come so far, he'd fought for so much and now he was living again. It made Hope proud to know someone like Scott and get to watch his walk.

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