
Go somewhere?

Jason contemplates his options, tapping his fingers on his steering wheel. Stopping at a stop sign, he could go right and go to TJY or left and go home. He wanted to go home. He needed sleep and his mood was foul. But he knew Reese would want an explanation of what had happened with Ryan.

Sighing, he turns right. His emotions proved his indecision and grouchiness.

I'm coming in, Babe. I'll give Reese ten minutes, then I'm going home.

Reese listens to Hope, his heart sinking. He still had Scott's letter of resignation that he had done nothing with. He'd hoped that it was the same as when others had resigned... that he just needed some time off and would be back. But it had been about two weeks now and Reese hadn't seen him once. Now hearing he was doing so poorly upset him.

Glancing over to Katie, he puts a hand over the receiver and forces a small smile. "Would you mind giving me a minute? I'll call your cubicle when I need you back."

Waiting until she was gone, he returns to his phone call. Katie and Scott were good friends, even after their little romance didn't last, and Reese didn't want to upset her too.

Still listening to Hope, he sighs deeply. "I was hoping he'd be able to clear his mind. I know after that one morning when he told Dalton not to let him back into the system that he was afraid of accidentally betraying us, but I didn't know things were getting to him that badly."

He'd thought that Scott was truly on the road to recovery. He'd been doing so well, and had been happy. What had happened? Reese thought it ironic that Hope was the counselor and she was asking his opinion.

"Sounds like he needs help," he confirms. "Unfortunately, I don't know what kind, to what extent, or where he's going to get it. But you coming to me proves that it may be bigger than you. If he's not responding to you then I don't know what will help. Him not eating and not wanting to get up and do things sounds like severe depression to me. There's medication for that, but I don't know what that would do for the nightmares. He's got some real turmoil going on inside of him... I was surprised he'd done as well as he had, after all he'd been through. I know he wrote a report on his experience but... I don't think we'll ever fully understand what he went through."

Pausing again, he just takes a moment to think. Scott was one of his best men... and he cared for him like he did all his agents. Even if Scott had resigned, Reese still felt responsible. He didn't want to ask this, but he knew he had to.

"Do you... think he needs a prescription from a doctor or... does he need... to go somewhere?"

Leo laughs right along with Cassy. Seeing her covered in paint was quite the sight and it was too funny not to laugh. Seeing her fall, his eyes widen but her laughing just proves she was not hurt and makes him laugh all the more.

Feeling the cool paint suddenly on his knee, he lets out a shriek and jumps back, trying to act shocked, but it wouldn't work with him laughing so much. Finally calming down enough to breathe, he sets his hands on his hips, looking down at Cassy and her extended hand.

"Not sure about the truce, but I'm mighty hungry. Lunch sounds fantastic."

Taking her hand, he helps pull her up. Once she's standing, he retrieves his rag from his back pocket and reaches out to wipe the paint from Cassy's face.

"There you are. Though you looked great in the carnival look."

JT gets home early from work, checking his watch and knowing they were pushing it. David had called. It was time.

"Bree?" he calls as soon as he's inside. He was glad she'd been staying here a lot lately. He was a bit worried about her, even if he hadn't said so to her face. "You ready?"

He pokes his head into the living room. "We gotta go if we're gonna stop and get that float on the way."

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