

Reese lifts his eyebrows a little at Katie, pondering her question. "I don't know... she's not the quietest woman in town, but I didn't think she'd hurt one of us. I guess we'll have to wait and see what-"

His sentence is broken off by his phone ringing. He contemplates not answering it, but then decides better of it, and holds up a finger to Katie. Going for his phone, he answers it. "Yeah, hello?"

Jason hears Ryan's final words behind him, but keeps right on walking. She just didn't get it. But if she had a thing for Alec, he couldn't expect her to understand. They had ex-Agency working for them at TJY - this was very true. But they were people who were actually committed to the cause now. Alec... he was biding his time with a bad attitude the whole way. His helping them was going to keep him out of prison, but they couldn't trust him yet. As far as being locked up went, Alec was lucky he didn't get the death sentence, and being caged at TJY was a whole lot better than prison. But Ryan just didn't get it. She disliked the law anyway and Jason wondered if she ever would appreciate it.

I'm on my way back in. Didn't get much, but I need bed, so if Reese is planning on keeping me out here, I deserve four hours at least.

Sliding in behind the steering wheel of his truck, he starts the engine.

Scott hears Hope leave but stays in bed, drifting in and out of shallow sleeping. Eventually though, he finally pulls himself up and gets some clean clothes on. Skipping breakfast, he goes to his little dark room to gather some of his pictures he'd stacked in there after cleaning them up from his living room yesterday before Hope came. Taking them back to the living room, he spreads them out again, still sorting through the best ones and rearranging them, focusing on his own little world.

Sitting on the couch though, he's still weary, and after a while, he lies to the side, curling up on the cushions to doze again.

Leo goes crosseyed as he tries to see the white paint on his nose and he smirks at Cassy, his eyes starting to twinkle. Quick as a flash, he's got paint on both hands and steps toward her, taking her face between his palms and leaning down to wipe his nose on her forehead.

Stepping back, he can't help but laugh. "You look like you've been to the face-painter at the carnival," he teases.

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