
What kind?

Giving a nod to Reese Katie stands and exits the room knowing it was something important if he wanted to to leave. Shutting the door behind her Katie makes her way back to her cubicle.
Ok I still got a mountain of work to do but if you want I have leftover from our half date last night in the fridge. Maybe we can grab a bite.

Katie new Jason was tired so if he said no than she would completely understand but it was worth a shot in asking anyways.

Hope gives a nod even though Reese can't see her. Scott did need help and she felt it was something more than she could give. Not because she didn't love him, or because she didn't want to deal with it but because she only had a limited amount of resources herself.

"I agree he does need help, and I don't think I have what I need to help anymore. Not that he's even listing to me."

Thinking again for a moment Hope spots a bench and takes Domino over to sit down. Letting out a heavy sigh she thinks for a long moment.

"Med could help, but I hate prescribing those, I've seen it do a lot more harm to people than help. Not to mention if Scott would even take them. My first instinct would tell me he should go into the hosp for a little while. I think they could help him more, and I could still go and see him. Only problem with that is I know Scott wont go on his own, and if I forced him he'd probably end up hating me."

Hope lets out another long stressed sigh.

"If it was....for his own health than it was worth him hating me. I just...couldn't get him there alone."

Cassy laughs again. It had been a long time since she had fun like this. It felt good, new...and she was enjoying it.

Accepting Leo's hand up Cassy shakes her head and nods to the bathroom.

"I'll order the subs if you want to clean up a little before hand. I don't think it would taste good eating the paint."

Cassy takes a few steps twords the phone by the crash register before she stops and turns back to Leo.

"What would u like on your sub?"

Hearing her Uncles voice from the other room Bree sat for a moment infront of the mirror. She finished her shower and got dressed in time now she was just trying to pull herself together before seeing Gunner. She was excited, she was nervous, but she was ready.

Exiting the bedroom it was rare to see Bree in a dress and probably after today no one would again but today was a special day. It was knee lagnth with a v neck, it was a navy blue color to help bring out her eyes.

"Ok, I'm ready...I've got the gum, we are gonna get the shake I am pretty sure thats everything."

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