
Because I love

Letting out a long sigh and coming into the house Hope gives a smile to Scott bringing him what comfort she could. This was going to be hard, and she new it but non the less Reese and herself thought it best for Scott's own health.

Sitting down next to Scott Hope takes his hand in her own. If anything she just wanted him to know she was there. She loved him and she would never leave him.

"Scott, Reese and I are worried about you. You hardly eat, see anyone and....I've...I've tried to help but there is nothing else I can do."

Hope looks to Reese for support this was hard...this was so hard to do when you were close to someone even though you new it was what was best.

"We have arranged for you to stay some place else for a little while. Its not a hospital exactly. You will have your own nice room and its done up like a house but you will be able to get more help there than I can offer you. I love you Scott and I am worried thats why I did this."

Looking at Scott Hope pauses not sure if Reese wanted to add anything before hearing what Scott had to say.

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