

Being put on hold as Reese phone rings Katie sits down in the comfy chair again and leans her head back. She new Jason was tired, and she was happy he was semi ok.

Ok J, get some rest and I will see you later I love ya.

Hearing Reese voice Hope continues to walk with her little friend knowing she was probley enjoying the attachen and walk to stretch her little leg.

"Hey Reese its Hope. Listen I know this really isn't anything to do with TJY anymore but..I'm really worried for Scott. He said he would be better not being around the Agency stuff but honesty it seemed like he is worse."

Hope didn't like talking about Scott without him knowing it but she really was worried about him. He was everything to her and she be lost without him. Not to mention she didnt like seeing him this way.

"He's hardly eating again, not motivated at all, wont get out of bed to even take his dog for walks. In the last two weeks yesterday was the first time in a while I heard from him. He's having bad nightmares and I just am a lost for what to so. I'm scared and worried for him and I guess I just wanted your take on this too since I am dating him and all."

Laughing again so hard as Leo whipped the paint on her for head Cassy felt like she was crying. Her sides starting to hurt. Taking a few steps twords Leo again she dosnt see the dribbles of pain on the floor and steps her feet going out from under her. As luck would have it she landed hard but out injuring her knee, just sending her into even more laughter.

Still laying on her back she looks up at the ceiling for a moment before reaching for her brush and pushing it into the whole in Leo's pants getting paint all over his knee. As she gasped for air Cassy was able to talk.

"I don't know what funner the paint or me falling."

Dropping the brush Cassy lays there for a long moment still before holding her hand out into a shake with Leo, turning her head to see him.

"Truce, and maybe lunch?"

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